Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
Controversial Fatwas Egypt is not only facing a period of political but also of religious polarization.  Many religious scholars issue Fatwas that have a political meaning and some of them are almost inciting fights and vandalism. Egyptians saw most of the Fatwas that provoked conflicts during the...
In the first time in Egypt’s history the TV program called The Dancer, which organizes competitions for belly dancing among ladies worldwide has led to the anger of the Azharite Scholars.
Mazhar Shāhīn, imām of the Umar Makram mosque at Tahrir square, who preached that it is possible for a man to divorce his wife if she is a Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer explained that this divorce is to take place if she used violence and not for differences in opinion (Muhammad Abd al- Lattīf, al...
Dr. Majdī ‘Ashūr, the academic advisor to the Grand Mufti and the secretary of fatwás in the Dār al- Iftā’ stated that having fatwás issued by those who have not been prepared scientifically to issue it causes must discord in society. He added that the fatwa of Shaykh Mazhar Shahīn of the Omar...
Shaykh Mazhar Shāhin, former Imam of the ‘Umar Makram mosque at Tahrir square, and now TV presenter of Tahrir TV channel, stated that Salafi Shaykh Muhammad Hussayn Yaqūb used to enter the studio in one of the religious channels accompanied by private body guards. 
After performing yesterday’s (Jan. 4) Friday prayers, youth members of various political forces and parties marched from ‘Umar Makram Mosque to the Coptic Evangelical Church of Qasr al-Dubārah to extend their Christmas greetings to Copts. Led by the imām of said Mosque, Shaykh Mazhar Shahīn, also...
Public and military figures, and Muslim clerics attended the Easter celebrations at Qasr Al-Dubārah Evangelical Church. The most prominent participants at the event included 'Amr Mūsá, leader of the Egyptian Conference Party, Col. Ahmad 'Ali, official spokesman of the Armed Forces and Shaykh Mazhar...
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