Displaying 1 - 7 of 7.
Subtitle:What is going on within the church?The real story about the excommunicated Monk Danial El-Baramousi, and Monk AghathonWhy didn’t the excommunicated fathers speak about the real reasons for their excommunication?El-Watani newspaper examines the reasons for the excommunication of...
The author explained that the meaning of the word Copt means Egyptian and not Christian. That is only an invention of Christians which was accepted by some Muslim Egyptian intellectuals. He conclude his article by asking the Ministers of Education and Higher Education to review the place of Coptic...
This is the story of the most famous sixteen books which were confiscated throughout this century because of the taboos in our society (on religion, sex, and politics) which stand, like a sword on the neck, in front of everyone who has a certain opinion while the freedom allowed in the Arab world,...
The author argues against the findings of a religious panel formed to examine Jibran’s book "The Prophet" for any religious offence or transgression. The panel decided that there were not any religious offences or transgressions, yet they were opposed to the pictures drawn in the book by Jibran;...
The infamous Article 291 of the penal code, which exempts a rapist from punishment if he marries his victim, was canceled by the People’s Assembly on 20 April. Lawyers and women’s activists, who’d been pushing for years for amendment to the law, hailed the decision as a partial victory for women’s...
The media no longer reports news of killing of tourists in Egypt. Terrorism has been finished. The media, however, reports from time to time news of killing of books and confiscation of thoughts of their writers. This is as bad. Physical elimination equals spiritual elimination.
Last week the Censorship Committee on material printed from outside Egypt banned the entry of the English version of the book "Al-Nabi" [The Prophet] written by Jibran Khalil Jibran. Authorities at the American University in Cairo told the French News Agency that it was the last in a series of 70...
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