Date of source: Monday, July 28, 1997
Demonstration in front of the Egyptian consulate in New York; 16 Copts murdered per minute C.N.N.-TV; Egypt is a place of persecution. See how they treat monkeys and bears in the zoo. Mahmoud Wahba: Jews are using Copts to cover a disaster among them.
Rose al- Yūsuf, July 28, is also...
Date of source: Sunday, September 17, 2006
The fifth anniversary of 9/11 was a strong reminder of the continued war declared by Islamism against the world, and especially the “infidel West.” This article approaches some of the many questions that that have been raised by the war.
Date of source: Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Islamophobia advocacy is advocacy that instils fear in people’s minds about Islām. Sebastian Kohn has noticed Qur’ān increase in this kind of advocacy on the internet, which is concerning because it brings a clash of civilizations closer to humanity. This kind of advocacy is especially effective on...
Date of source: Saturday, September 29, 2001 to Friday, October 5, 2001
The author is of the opinion that glorifying terrorism and presenting terrorists to the public as the fighters who confront the devils is more dangerous than practicing terrorism. He added that many of the sources of terrorism are products of Western establishments or were supported by them. One...
Date of source: Friday, October 17, 2003
The author comments on what he believes is an American attack on Islam that started with the disaster of September 11. He refutes the argument that the Qur´an urges or allows murder.
Date of source: Saturday, September 20, 2003
El-Sawi comments on the writings of American journalist Friedman on Arabs and Muslims. He concentrates on Friedman’s latest article published in the New York Times. Friedman suggested “formulating new Islamic principles.” In a sarcastic tone, al-Sawi calls these new principles “Islam according to...
Date of source: Friday, September 19, 2003
The author comments on what he believes is an American attack on Islam, which started with the September 11 disaster. He believes that there a Western campaign to secularize Islam and turn it into a Christian form that accepts separation of religion and state.
Date of source: Sunday, July 13, 2003
The author criticizes the promoted incorrect notions in the Arab world about the American press. He divides his argument into four points concerning: the freedom of the American press, its objectivity, its alleged biased opinions and its being subjected to Jewish influence.
Date of source: Monday, May 12, 2003
The author discusses the relations between the Muslim Brotherhood and the US throughout its history. He points out a recent study conducted by the political section of the group on the necessity of building bridges of communication between the group and the US. He comments on the meeting held...
Date of source: Friday, November 29, 2002
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) provides free translations of Arabic media but their selection shows a pro-Israeli attitude. A large part of the texts either confirms Israel’s policies or reveals the authors as anti-Israeli extremists who therefore discredit Arabic media.