Displaying 11 - 15 of 15.
This news reports about the complaint Father Rafīq Jārsh, head of the press office of Catholic Church, made to al-Ahrām’s editor-in-chief over Dr. Zaghloul al-Najār’s misinterpretation of a biblical term.
Certain parties have managed to dominate the minds of some Europeans and bring them into a state of genuine panic about losing their national identity at the hands of what they called the Islamic cultural invasion. This has been one effective result of the boycott against Denmark following the...
Media attention for RNSAW work; workshops for Egyptian journalists. Remark on a Holy Family pilgrimage to the Delta organised by RNSAW
Opening a RNSAW workshop for Egyptian journalists.
Naguib Sawiras, the famous Coptic business man answers questions about his relationship with the press.


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