Displaying 11 - 17 of 17.
On the occasion of celebrating the 80th birthday of Pope Shenouda and the 49th anniversary of him becoming a monk, Al-Midan published seven articles that shed light upon different aspects of the pope´s life.
When the Muftī was asked his opinion about the possibility of the Grand Imām and the Muftī being elected, he did not reject the idea outright. However, he contradicted himself by suggesting that the process of choice is against Islamic shoura [consultation, similar to the modern concept of free...
Christians get acquainted with the principles of Islam through drama. So there is no problem if Muslims get acquainted with the principles of Christianity through Christian drama. However, many of the Christian films produced so far have been shown only in the framework of the church.
Dr. Nasr Hamid Abu Zeid participated in the anti-racism conference Cairo Center for Human Rights held in Egypt. He talked about Islamophobia, Europe’s perception of Islam, globalization and Huntington’s theories about the clash between civilizations.
The Mufti believes that Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s broke the boundaries of good manners and morals and that her opinion concerning transplantation of sexual organs leads to the undesirable mixing of lineage. He stressed that the hijab [hair cover] is clothing in accordance with the Qur’an and the...
Dr. Adel Sabour Shahin said that Nawal Al-Sa’adawi was a heretic and a communist who does not believe in God. Dr. Suade Salah, the former dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, said that her opinions are considered a deviation from religion as she denied one of the main essentials in Islam, that...
Today, Monday, continues the trial of writer Salah El-Din Mohsen, who is accused of denouncing religions. The defense asked Dr. Hamdi Zaqzouq, Minister of Awqaf [Endowments], Dr. Samir Sarhan [head of The Egyptian Book Authority], Dr. Gaber Asfour, poet Abdel-Mo’ti Hegazi, writer Salah Eisa,...


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