Date of source: Monday, January 2, 2006
Dr. Nasr Abu Zayd, a celebrated modern scholar of Qur’ānic studies, who fled to the Netherlands after the Egyptian courts ordered that he be forcibly divorced from his wife on charges of apostasy, argues for reform of religious thought and an end to corruption.
Date of source: Monday, November 1, 2004
We dare call what happened with the soap opera Bint min Shubra (A girl from Shubra) a massacre or crisis but after all it is yet another banned item.
Date of source: Monday, July 26, 2004
Anyone who visits Egypt will see Muslim and Christian signs of religiosity everywhere, in streets, taxis, shops, audiocassettes and clothes. At the same time the extent of corruption is constantly growing. What is the reason for this paradox we are experiencing?
The Imam denies his wife’s...
Date of source: Monday, July 19, 2004
Religious obsession is sweeping through Egyptians’ minds. Muslims are obsessed with having full control while Christians are obsessed with withdrawing from social activities to look for the traits and strengths of closed communities.
Such a tense atmosphere serves as a rich soil for the growth of...
Date of source: Monday, July 19, 2004
The young people who took part in the demonstrations against the movie “Baheb Al-Sima” [I love Cinema] in front of the cathedral are not desperate youth. They are all occupying honorable posts working for the improvement of the country. More importantly, they are not driven by anyone. The churches...
Date of source: Monday, May 10, 2004
Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid will be the chairman of the Arab Institute for Renewing Thought, an Arab think tank based in Beirut. He has always wished to participate in independent cultural work. “The modernization of thought is the motto but what is more important than the motto is the means. The aim of...
Date of source: Monday, June 28, 2004
In December 1976, Mamdouh Salem, then Minister of Interior, issued a
decision to cancel censorship on books and newspapers. This was one way President Sadat aimed at
presenting himself as democratic. The editors and the managers of the newspapers were appointed
by the president himself and thus...
Date of source: Monday, June 21, 2004
Egypt’s long history is full of incidents of stifling the freedom to think, to choose,
and to be different. Stifling freedom of expression is justified by religion, morals, or the
public good. These are all masks for political interests and short-term gains. We live in a tribe
controlled by one...
Date of source: Monday, April 26, 2004
The Minister of Justice issued the confidential decree to give the sheikhs of the Azhar the right to “judicial seizure.” That means they will be able to attack any publishing house and search it for banned books at any moment.
Whoever has “judicial seizure” authority has the right to break into a...
Date of source: Wednesday, June 20, 2001
The Higher Council or Culture published a translated book titled "Women and sexism in Islam," by Laila Ahmed. Sheikh Abdel-Azim Al-Matani wants the book banned along with another book about the early years in the life of Mohammed. Farouq Hosni, Minister of Culture, defended publication of these...