Displaying 1 - 10 of 15.
Hard-line preacher Wajdī Ghunaym accused liberals and seculars of being “infidels” and called for the enforcement of the riddah (punishment for apostasy in Islam) code on them.
An article appeared in al- Sabāh, accusing Wagdī Ghunīm, a Salafī Shaykh, who is a strong supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood of being funded by Qatar (Shaykh Wagdī Ghunīm recently appeared on social media sitting at large banquets in what is to be believed a Qatarī palace).
On various jihadist websites, an official statement was published announcing a rapprochement between al-Qā’idah and ISIS, which until recently fought each other in Syria. 
Firebrand preacher Wajdī Ghunaym lashed out at the opponents of President Muhammad Mursī, dubbing them as "rats and cockroaches that live in infamy and dirt". "Those who are called the elite are nothing but like barking dogs and know nothing about democracy or that parties may be legitimately...
MEMRI provided a clip of Muslim preacher, Shaykh Wajdī Ghunaym (Wagdy Ghoneim) speaking about the death of Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III, cursing him and wishing him to burn in hell. Read MEMRI article here  
Egypt is divided into two camps: the first one is headed by Shaykh Wajdī Ghunaym, who aspires to have Egypt as the capital of the so-called United Islamic States, while the second one, led by Maurice Sādiq, calls on the international community to invade Egypt to rescue the Copts.
The following text presents a number of the most popular Islamic Dā‘iyahs in the modern time.
Rose al-Youssef has taken upon itself to confront two recent, suspicious, religion-related phenomena. One is the new breed of Shaykh preaching in private homes. The other is the hypocritical defense of Islām in the face of a wave of offending literary works. There is now a third phenomenon...
A new Islamic satellite channel launched five months ago is said to be successful with the people, but is also criticized by scholars for promoting extremist salafist ideas.
Wā’il Lutfī writes about reconciliation between ‘Amr Khālid and the Brotherhood’s advocate Wajdī Ghunīm, after the latter publicly criticized Khālid and described him as misguided.


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