Displaying 1 - 10 of 16.
Some Egyptian Christian emigrants have always been parroting during the former regime's time that they could not come to Egypt to convene meetings and forums for dialogue over the Christian citizens' cares and problems as well as discrimination and challenges facing equality in Egypt.
The author criticizes the government for stifling press freedom in Egypt. He believes that while independent newspapers enjoy a little freedom, the state-owned media merely echoes what authorities desire.
The author continues his record of the establishment of the Coptic Church in countries of emigration.
The author records the establishment of the Coptic Church in countries of emigration.
In this article the author argues that the creed of Copts is being targeted through material published and broadcast in the media, providing examples for his arguments.
The author rejects the second article of the Egyptian constitution that says, “Islam is the religion of the state and the Islamic Sharī‘ah is the main source of legislation.” He believes that it prepares the way for an Islamic state in Egypt. He therefore points out the dangers of the religious...
The author states a number of situations that assert the friendly relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
The statement made by the activists and members of Coptic associations which met in Montreal, Canada, April 7-9, 2006, to review and debate the situation of the Copts in Egypt and the future of Coptic activism.
The author reviews the development of the Coptic issue, expressing the opinion that the regimes of Nāsir, Sādāt, and Mubārak are responsible for the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, which has harmed Copts.
The author explores the dangers facing journalists in the world today, including death, injury, kidnapping and imprisonment.


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