Displaying 21 - 30 of 143.
Some Coptic residents of al-Salām village in Sohag have expressed their disappointment with their church, after hearing the news that some Orthodox priests in the village were suspended because of financial corruption.
Drs. Hulsman provides a detailed description of Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt, and a history of Coptic problems, stemming from their own actions and outside influences.
Both Pope Shenouda and the Grand Imām declared their rejection of any foreign intervention in the internal affairs of Egypt. The former said that he met the American committee to defend Egypt and to explain to its members that what the foreign press publishes and what the internet broadcasts...
The Criminal Court of Sohag gave its verdict in al-Kosheh case, in which 57 Muslims and 39 Copts were accused. Ninety-two defendants were set free and four Muslim defendants were sentenced to between one and ten years imprisonment. No one was convicted of murder, although 21 Christians were...
Majdī Khalīl discusses the forced disappearance of Coptic girls. The claims around this phenomenon are not new, however it is being announced more frequently. Khalīl discusses the reasons why Coptic families are more often daring to announce the disappearance of their girls, and the reasons behind...
A number of Christians from the Upper Egyptian village of al-Kushh, Assuit governorate, filed charges against some clergy from the Kushh church, accusing them of misusing authority to collect compulsory donations from the poor villagers.
Rose al- Yūsuf continues its series of stories about distinguished clerical figures who were imprisoned by former president Anwār al-Sadāt’s famous September 1981 decision.
An examination of the crisis 25 years ago between President Sadat and the Coptic Orthodox Church, during which Pope Shenouda was confined in Anba Bishoi Monastery in the Western Desert, and banned from acting as patriarch of the Coptic Church. Many other bishops and priests were also detained, and...
The author discusses the prevalence of rumors in Egypt and how often the consequences of such rumors are more serious than their original cause. He notes the work of Drs. Hulsman in researching the factual events of claims of Christian persecution and Muslim outrage and in providing an electronic...
The differences between the monastery of Antonius and the Red Sea governorate were blown up in Western media, fired up by Coptic activists in the West. The monasteries wish for protecting peace and quiet in the area was understandable but their method of protesting is questionable. Egyptian...


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