Date of source: Wednesday, April 16, 2003
There is a great respect in Egyptian schoolbooks for Christian religion, although there is only little information on its faith and life. There is excellent information on the early history of the Copts in Egypt, but almost no information about the Christian minority after the conquest of Egypt....
Date of source: Monday, August 15, 2005
Difficulty to obtain written and well argumented responses in Egypt to biased texts published in the West.
Date of source: Friday, November 22, 2002
Summary of the Ph.D. thesis of Revd. Dr. Wolfram Reiss about the Sunday School movement in the Coptic Orthodox Church with a focus on the role of Pope Shenouda III and Father Matta el-Meskeen and the place of the church in a Muslim society. Reiss´ study provides an excellent insight into the...
Date of source: Thursday, November 21, 2002
This text reflects the discussion of a group organized by the RNSAW with two monks in the Monastery of Makarios based on the summary of the PhD Thesis of Dr. Wolfram Reiss (art. 23). The discussion covers the role of Father Matta al-Meskeen in the revival of the Coptic Orthodox Church, his...
Date of source: Wednesday, October 30, 2002
This significant study of the history and of the spiritual and educational rôles of the Sunday School Movement in the reawakening of the Coptic Church ought to be seen as a basic text for all those interested in the Coptic Church of the 20th century. For an unbiased understanding of the...
Date of source: Wednesday, October 30, 2002
It is true that there is a general attitude of respect to the Christian faith, but this respect refers only to the Islamic perception of how Christianity should be, not the way it is. The fact that a new chapter about the Coptic era has recently been introduced in the Social Studies and History...
Date of source: Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Our new boardmember Dr. Wolfram Reiss responded to the summary of an article of Rose el-Youssef (RNSAW, 2002, week 39A, art. 6) and wondered whether the Iqbal el-Saba´i, the author of the article had correctly presented the views of bishop Mounir, head of the Episcopal Church in Egypt, and sheikh...
Date of source: Monday, April 15, 2002
The article gives the impression that the general opinion in Germany is opposed to the building of mosques. Revd. Dr. Wolfram Reiss, a German scholar and pastor who published before in the RNSAW, argued in correspondence with the RNSAW that this view is incorrect.
Date of source: Monday, April 15, 2002
Media critique on the Palestinian issue in the Egyptian Press.
Meeting with Bible Society director Ramez Atallah about the way the Bible has been translated into Arabic.
Date of source: Tuesday, December 20, 2005
A critique of the controversial work of researcher Yustina Saleh on the 2nd article of the Egyptian constitution, which states that sharī‘a is the main source of law.