Displaying 41 - 50 of 51.
Father Basilius al-Maqārī exaggerated in AWR, 2005, week 16, art. 46, in my opinion, the parallel between Church clericalism and Islamism. Coptic clergy have been politically active but they do not seek power as Islamists do.
Report on a visit to the monastery of St. Bishoi in Wadi al-Natroun organised by RNSAW. Several requests for RNSAW work.
Rev. Dr. Wolfram Reiss joined the advisory board of the RNSAW. He is a German Scholar with broad knowledge of inter-religious studies, focusing in the relations between the three religions, which have their cradle in the Middle East: Judaism, Oriental-Orthodox Christianity and Islam. He studied...
Visit to monasteries in the Wadi al-Natroun organised by RNSAW. Media attention for RNSAW work.
Stereotypes about people from other groups are false and misleading. Being in Egypt, one is continuously reminded of Western biases and the widespread conviction that the West has targeted Islam, that Western Christians are making an effort to destroy Islam and that; in fact, we are witnessing a...
Report on the place of religion in Egyptian text books for primary and secondary schools.
A terrorist attack in Sharm Al-Sheikh was immediately reported on Egyptian TV.  Comment on an article by Dr. Larry Levine that shows much distrust for motives of Christian Evangelical support for Israel.
Dr. W. Reiss responded to the summary of Dr. Al-Awa’s article on religious textbooks in AWR, 2003, week 52, art. 27
The article criticize an article published in Al-Liwaa’ Al-Islami under the title "Colin Powell calls for reforming the curriculum of Islamic education…and installing alternative curricula. " • Art. 6 - inciting • Art. 18 – comment on inaccurate reporting on Christian TV stations • Art. 21:...
Comment on the Copts Daily Digest’s reporting about difficulties around church building in Al-Ubur City


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