Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Counselor Yūsuf Ṭalʿat, the legal advisor for the Coptic Evangelical community in Egypt, stated that the new personal status law for Christians provides a precise explanation of the issue of divorce, emphasizing that the law avoids abstract terms by offering detailed provisions.
Yūsuf Ṭalʿat, a legal advisor for the Coptic Evangelical community in Egypt, described the new personal status law for Christians as a series of historical rights for Christian citizens. He added that the law consists of 160 articles divided into 10 chapters. “The new personal status law for...
The ruling that the Supreme Administrative Court issued in the appeal to not allow the Episcopal Church to split from the Evangelical Church has not settled the ongoing religious and organizational dispute between the two sides regarding the latter’s subordinance to the Protestant Community and its...
Bishop Bākhūm, official spokesperson for the Catholic Church, said that the Catholic Church in Egypt finished the personal status law for Copts and that it has been handed over to Pope Tawāḍrūs II so that it can be handed over to parliament afterwards.  Bishop Bākhūm added that the Catholic Church...
Counselor Yūsuf Ṭalʿat, legal representative of the Evangelical Church, revealed the details of the meeting of the heads of the Egyptian churches at the papal headquarters at the Cathedral of St. Mark's in ʿAbbāsiyya.
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