Date of source: Friday, December 7, 2007
A former deputy of the secretary-general of the dissolved Azhar Scholars Front, Dr. Yahyá Hablūsh, has launched a Web site from Kuwait, claiming that it is a step toward reviving the front.
Date of source: Sunday, November 25, 2007
Sunhī Mujāhid reviews a statement released by the currently-banned Azhar Scholars Front, in which the front asked the grand imām of the Azhar to put an end to the prolonged period of alienation between the Azhar and the front.
Date of source: Saturday, October 19, 2002
Muslim Brother leader Mustafa
Mashhour criticized group?s member Mokhtar Nuh for his initiative to encourage a dialogue between the government
and the Muslim Brotherhood. The author believes that such criticism may make Nuh join the club of expelled
Brotherhood members.
Date of source:
scholars rejected
Prof. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi’s Fatwá that allows a couple not able to bear children to
implant their zygote in the
womb of another woman. They announced him a deviant from true Islām. Bayoumi
said he is ready to turn from this
fatwa if any medical discovery proved that...
Date of source:
Sheikh of Azhar’s withdrawal of his call to Muslims to visit the Aqs...
Date of source: Friday, January 19, 2001
The Azhar Scholars Front supported the Minister of Culture and urged him to clean the
Ministry by firing
more officials who are responsible for publishing libertine books. The Front listed 300
books for revision because
of immoral style.
Date of source: Monday, May 15, 2000
Al-Gama’iya al-
Tashri’aya [Society for the Application of the Sharī‘ah] condemned in a sharp worded statement the
publishing of the novel
"Banquet for the Seaweed". The article reviewed opinions of the Azhar scholars.
After reviewing the scholars’ opinions, the
writer turned to the accusation...
Date of source: Monday, May 25, 1998
The article Dr. Bayoumi wrote for the previous edition of the RNSAW, in response to the article of Dr. Yehia Ismael published in Al-Osbua, on May 11, 1998 (entitled: So that we do not have double standards in our religion.) was published in this issue of Al-Osboa.
Date of source: Monday, December 22, 1997
Subtitle: 1- The leader of the organization says, "When Dr. Yehia Ismael said that Hanafy was an apostate, we decided to kill him" 2- The one who was supposed to carry out the operation says, "The plan was to kill him with penknives. I have trained on how to do this in Nozha" 3- An official...
Date of source: Monday, December 22, 1997
The author criticises the fatwa declaring Dr. Hassan Hanafy to be an apostate and explains how Dr. Hanafy’s work was taken out of context, and twisted to imply that he opposed Islam.