Displaying 11 - 17 of 17.
A crisis broke out between the government and the Journalists’ Syndicate because the supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood announced his initiative from inside the Syndicate. The Minister of Interior criticized the event, saying that initiatives should be presented by recognized political...
A crisis has broken out between the Nasserites and the Muslims Brotherhood in the Journalists’ Syndicate. Two Brotherhood members made an agreement with Internews to organize a training program in Hurgada, which would also be funded by Internews. The members carried out the agreement without...
Before the opening of the Forth General Conference of Journalists in 2004, President Husnī Mubārak had declared his historical initiative of canceling imprisonment for publishing [or journalism] related crimes. Journalists are extremely worried because the status quo remains even after a year...
The decision of the Parties Committee, concerning the suspension of Al-Shaab, raised wide scale reactions among other opposition parties. Al-Tagammu, Nasserist, Al-Wefaq Al-Watani Parties have all announced their rejection of the principle of closing down newspapers.
"Giving statements requires being logical and fluent, and everything that lacks reason and does not reveal a truth is not a statement, even in signed by a hundred "intellectuals"!!, whether headed or not headed by Said Al-Naggar [Al-Naggar means the carpenter], the blacksmith, or even Said the car-...
This is a statement about the recent events of Al-Kosheh. Hundreds of cultured people in Egypt signed it. These people care about the country’s concerns.
Dozens of journalists staged a sit-in at the headquarters of the Press Syndicate on Sunday afternoon to protest the continuing imprisonment of Magdi Hussein, chief editor of Al-Shaab, mouthpiece of the Islamist-oriented Labor party, and journalist Salah Bedewi. The two are serving two-year jail...


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