Displaying 1 - 10 of 53.
The article talks about the refusal of al-Jamā‘ah al-Islāmīyah to attend a conference which will be held by al-Ahrām Center for Strategic Studies.
An Egyptian Islamist who holds Pakistani citizenship demanded that he be transferred from Abu Za’bal prison [in Egypt] to Guantanamo detention center in Cuba, where almost 580 Qa’ida and Taliban detainees are imprisoned, claiming that he would receive better treatment there. He claimed that he is...
In response to the Scotland Yard inquiry the Egyptian authorities have arrested Majdī al-Nashar, 33, an Egyptian biochemist suspected of making the bombs that were detonated in the July 7 London blasts that killed 56 people and injured many more.
Subtitles:- A phenomenon that worries international intelligence agencies; Cooperation between Sunni and Shia groups to establish a unified organization- Italy has become the base for the activities of the extremist groups smuggling weapons- Claims that Osama Bin Ladin is attempting to establish an...
Subtitles:The leaders of terrorism who have escaped to London.1- The escaped terrorist Adel Abdel Hamied raises funds from the Islamic center to finance terrorism.2- Moustafa Hamza leads the training in the terrorist farms in Sudan.The author discusses the West’s involvement in terrorism in...
The British police detained the Egyptian fundamentalist Yasser Al-Serry, the head of the Islamic Media Observatory based in London. It investigated the activities of his Observatory and accuses him of being involved in the assassination of Ahmed Shah Massoud, the head of the Afghan opposition.
The fact that generations of terrorists succeeded each other without interruptions means that they succeeded in attracting new members. It confirms the theory that even if Usama Bin Laden would disappear there will be others to replace him. The successors are increasing, and the most dangerous...
In this article lawyer Montasser Al-Zayyat, the lawyer of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya, recounts the story of the Jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan up to the terrorist’s operations, which were aimed against the people in charge and affecting the economy and security of Egypt.
The article gives an outline of the terrorists that the Egyptian courts convicted but who were offered asylum by foreign countries, among which was America. It sheds light on their crimes and the judgments made against them. The author points out that America, which once hosted some of these...
A one-day conference was held in London on July 12, under the title “The First Conference for Captives.” It was organized by the International Human Rights Committee affiliated with the Islamic Media Observatory, headed by Yasser Al-Seri, who is an Egyptian terrorist detained in many cases related...


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