Displaying 11 - 20 of 34.
Zākhir Mūsá calls to regain the real values of monastic life as a means of bringing about development to the church and Egypt in general. He criticizes the present ruling principles in Egypt’s monasteries and calls for change.
The article reviews the life and the contributions of Pope Kyrillos VI, the 116th Patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria.
Zākhir comments on Pope Shenouda’s declaration in an interview on the Egyptian TV. He blame the church for the Coptic youth’s lack of religious education and church education alleged by Pope Shenouda III.
The following lines present a short biography of Pope Kyrillos VI of Alexandria, predecessor of Pope Shenouda III who was known for his spiritual values and his close relation to former Egyptian President Jamāl ‘Abd al-Nāṣir.
The following presents an interview with Tarek Heggy at the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation. Drs. Cornelis Hulsman and staff members discuss sensitive issues throughout the Arab world.
This article is a description of the international growth of the Coptic Orthodox Church over the course of history.
The article represents evidence of the brotherly Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt throughout history. Christians fought the British occupation hand-in-hand with their Muslim citizens.
The conference about the reform in the Coptic Orthodox Church is still arousing noise. This review presents the comments of Bishop Murqus, the official spokesman of Pope Shenouda III, and other different echoes and comments on the conference.
Divorce issues pose serious problems in many Copts’ private life and are causing a severe conflict between the state and the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Al-Ahram al-Arabi shed light on the life of monks under the title "We Are Angels Living on Earth." al-Aḥrār reported that after its journalist visited al-Muharraq monastery, it concluded that the expelled monk’s crimes could not have taken place there as al-Nabaa claimed. The history of Christian...


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