Displaying 1 - 10 of 35.
The Egyptian Ministry of Awqāf (charitable endowments) recently announced that they have begun to receive applications for a number of vacancies for imāms and mosque caretakers. This comes almost a month after it announced the need to fill the posts, in what appears to be surrender to the status...
Egyptologist Zāhī Ḥawwās unveiled a 2500-year-old mummy of a priest at an ancient cemetery in Minya, south of Cairo, in a live broadcast on Discovery Channel on Sunday.
Background:This recording is of a press conference with Dr. Zāhī Ḥāwās, the-then Chief Inspector of the Giza Pyramid Plateau. He speaks about recent excavations the difficulties with promoting tourism and at the same time preserving historic sites and the future of the Giza plateau.
Side A:Dr. Zāhī...
In a seminar in Alexandria, Zāhī Hawwās, the head of the National Council for Antiquities stressed that restoration of Jewish antiquities in Egypt has nothing to do with Israel, asserting that the Jewish antiquities are part of the Egyptian heritage.   Hawwās rejected the anger of some Copts at...
The Egyptian Minister of Culture Dr. Fārūq Husnī and Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Dr. Zāhī Hawwās opened the very first exhibition of Coptic art at Prince Tāz’s palace in Cairo. The opening was attended by many leading Muslim, Coptic and prominent figures of Cairo’s...
Dr. Mukhtār al-Kasbānī confirmed the Supreme Council of Antiquities’ intentions to display the Gospel of Judas at the Museum of Civilization. Several Copts expressed anger and disapproval. Al-Kasbānī responded, saying that he understands their concern, but that the Gospel needs to be displayed for...
The author criticizes the stances and subjects of Father Marqus ‘Azīz’s weekly articles in al-Wafd.
The article gives a brief account of the St. Antoniousmonastery in the eastern wilderness, Red Sea governorate.
Al-Wafd publishes a response by Dr. Zāhī Hawās to an article that was written by Father Marqus ‘Azīz Khalīl, the priest at the Hanging Church in Cairo. In the previous article Khalīl complained about the pace of the restoration works taking place at the Hanging Church but in this article Hawās...
The author discusses the need to preserve the Egyptian heritage, and how everybody should immerse themselves in this process, providing examples of how historical areas have been allowed to fall into disrepair.


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