Displaying 11 - 20 of 24.
Egyptian President Muhammad Husnī Mubārak yesterday opened the Coptic Museum in Old Cairo, recently renovated at a cost of L.E. 30 million. The renovation was made through a $300 million from the Japanese government, the Egyptian minister of culture, Fārouq Husnī said.
The head of the Egyptian parliament referred the issue of applying the Islamic Shari´a to the Religious Committee of the Parliament to put an end to the arguments stirred by the Brotherhood in that respect. Moreover, representatives of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) criticized the...
The Church of the Virgin Mary in the village of al-Munshaa alKobra has been trying to obtain a building license for an old age home attached to it. However, the authorities deal with the building as a church building and not as an ordinary building. Thus the project should go along the road...
President of the U.S. Copts Association, Michael Munīr, has been severely criticized over his recent visit to Egypt and his meeting with a number of top officials. A number of expatriate Coptic activists have seen Munīr’s visit as "an act of betrayal of the Coptic cause.” Others have regarded the...
Many people believe that Muslim Brotherhood, after winning an unprecedented number of seats in the recent parliamentary elections, will go on to establish a religious state or the neo-Islamic Caliphate in Egypt has been its dream since it first saw the light of day.
The exclusion of the Coptic political figures from the NDP’s slate for the parliamentary elections has created turmoil amongst the Copts.
Egyptian media and political leaders paying attention to Coptic Christmas. Watani’s Editor-in-chief Yusuf Sidhom’s discusses the term ’ persecution’ in describing the position of Christians in Egypt.
The several sectarian incidents which have recently shaken Egypt have again brought to the foreground the issue of Copts and their curtailed rights.
“I believe the first problem is the construction of churches. What I am saying is that there must be a unified law in which the mosque and the church are equal…We are focusing on this issue and the constitution guarantees the freedom of worship. If we really want to observe and respect the...
The author commented on Tareq Al-Bishri’s article, in which he compared the attitude of the State towards the Coptic youth demonstrations against what Al-Nabaa published to the Azhar students’ demonstrations against the publication of the "Banquet for Seaweed." He believes that the State was very...


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