Displaying 1 - 5 of 5.
Fr. Raed Abusahlia of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem sent us the following documents: - Archbishop of Canterbury to chair Summit of Religious Leaders on the Middle East - Religious Leaders reach unprecedented joint accord on the Holy Land - The First Alexandria Declaration of the Religious...
The Armenian community in Egypt celebrated the 1700 anniversary of its joining Christianity. The celebration was held in the Armenian Orthodox Cathedral. The Armenian Orthodox Archbishop of Egypt expressed the Armenians’ deep appreciation of President Mubarak and of his care for the Armenians.
The Coptic Orthodox Church celebrated Christmas on January 7. The Saturday evening mass, which lasted 2.5 hours was broadcast live on Egyptian TV. Many prominent Egyptians were present. Channel 3, interviewed Pope Shenouda, the Grand Imam and others about national unity. Of course, both Muslims and...
His Holiness Pope Shinūdā III the heads and representatives of Christian churches in Egypt to endorse the "Unified Personal Status Bill" before its submission by His Holiness to the Minister of Justice for consideration.
Because of the attack of Selim Naguib, the RNSAW included the full text of the Report of the Council of Churches which concludes "It does not appear that the national government condones any acts of persecution of the Christian minority in Egypt." But " This is not to say that there is no...
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