Displaying 21 - 30 of 48.
The niqāb is stirring controversy in different parts of the World. An Egyptian university professor is to be sued for criticizing it; the Egyptian muftī advises that women don’t wear it and students wearing it will be barred from accessing a university hostel. In Western countries it is regarded as...
The author regrets the fact that the anticipated report from the fact-finding committee established after recent sectarian violence in Alexandria was not produced by the deadline of May 16 and now the current Parliamentary round has expired. He compares this to the report produced after sectarian...
Despite the considerable number of fatwas allowing bank dealings, some Muslims argue that bank interest is an adjusted form of usury [Reviewer: Ribā], which Islam regards as a major sin.
The review deals with the issue of the Bahā’ī faith in Egypt amidst a tug-of -war between supporters of the Egyptian Bahā’īs’ right to have their faith openly registered in their identity cards and those denying them any rights and terming them as infidels or apostates.
The author criticizes curricula in Egyptian schools, underlining that they teach students how to hate the West, instead of teaching them how to benefit from Western societies’ progress.
The court ruling previously pronounced by a lower administrative court giving Bahā’īs the rights to state their religion in official documents is overturned by the Supreme Administrative Court.
Analysis of the attacks on churches in Alexandria in which one man was killed, skepticism that the man was actually ‘deranged’, as claimed by the Ministry of the Interior and condemnation of the culture of fanaticism that leads to such events.
The Document of Religious Rights, signed in April 2005 by the former head of the Interfaith Dialogue Committee, Dr. Fawzī al-Zifzāf, with visiting U.S. Christian clerics, has been categorically rejected by the Religious Affairs Committee of the People’s Assembly, on the grounds that it "...
The article reports about two studies discussed in the conference held under the title “Religious thought in a rapidly changing world” which was organized by the forum of the dialogue of cultures at the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services.
Helmy Salem, coordinator of the seminar of “Scientific means for renewing religious discourse”, organized by Cairo Center for Human Rights Studies on August 12 and 13 in Paris, responds to the criticism Al-Liwaa´ Al-Islami directed to the seminar and the statement it released.


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