

List of persons names (and their functions) used in AWR-Articles

(Click on name to display relevant articles)

Name Function
Paul Schemm (Author, Editor)


Paul VI (Pope)

Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church and Sovereign of Vatican City (1963-1978)

Paul Yazijī (Coptic Orthodox Archbishop of Aleppo)
Paul-Gordon Chandler

Founder and President of CARAVAN, From 2003-2013, for ten years, he was the Rector of the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist/Maadi in CairoEgypt

Paulo Moro

famous Italian reconstruction specialist 

Paulos (Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church)

Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (1992-2012)

Pavle [Baflī] (Coptic Orthodox Bishop, Egypt)
Pavli (Bishop - Alexandria - Egypt)
Pavlos (Bishop)
Pavnotios (Bishop [Bifintyūs])
Peggy Bieber-Roberts (Dr.)
Pervez Musharraf (President of Pakistan)

Pakistani politician and military figure who served as the tenth President of Pakistan (2001–2008) and the Chief of Army Staff of the Pakistan Army (1998–2007)

Peter and Paul (Saints)
Peter Fischer-Møller (Bishop) (Danmission)
Peter Goepfrich (Dr.)

Executive Director of the Arab-German Chamber of Commerce 1996

Peter Greste (Journalist)

al-Jazeera Journalist. 

Peter Grossmann (Dr.)
Peter Harrison (Historian)


Peter Hervik
Peter Manur (Col. U.S. Army)

Military expert and retired colonel in the US Army. 

Peter Pulzer (Prof.)
Péter Szijjártó (Hungarian Politician)

Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Peter Weiderud (Ambassador)
Peter Woko (Sudanese Politician)

Former member of Sudanese parliament under Ṣādiq al-Mahdī's regime and former leader of SSPA.


Petra Hulsman

student of engineering at the TU Delft

Pevnotios [Bifnūsiūs] ‎(Bishop)
Philip Frayne (Mr.)

Former Press attaché of the US Embassy in Cairo

Philippe Honoré (Cartoonist)

Staff-member of the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo, he was killed in a shooting on January 7 in 2015 along with several of his colleagues. Two terrorists who affiliated themselves to al-Qaeda in Yemen commited the attack.  

Phillip Lewis
Phillip Rizq (German-Egyptian human rights activist)
Philopater Jamil [Fīlūpātīr Jamīl] (Father)

Suspended priest; publisher of and author in al-Katībah al-Tībiyyah

Photis Photiou

Presidential Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs and Overseas Cypriots ‎

Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka (Executive Director of UN Women)

Executive Director of UN Women

Pierbattista Pizzaballa (Archbishop - Apostolic Delegate of the Latin Patriarchate)
Piet de Klerk (Dutch Ambassador-at-Large for Human Rights)

Human Rights Ambassador for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Piet Hein Donner (Dutch Politician)

Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment (2007-2010); Minister of Justice (2002-2006); member of CDA political party

Pieter Omtzigt ( Dutch Politician)
Pieter Sjoerd van Koningsveld (Prof., Dr.)

Professor emeritus, Leiden University Center for the Study of Religion. Focus on Islam.

Pieter van Kampen

Pieter Jakob van kampen was a Dutch preacher and radio host. 

Pietro Vernizzi
Pim Fortuyn
Pinhas Lavon (Israeli Politician)

was an Israeli politician, minister and labor leader, best known for the Lavon Affair

Pinhas Rutenberg

(1879-1942) Russian-born Zionist, businessman, and Jewish Nationalist in Mandatory Palestine

Pitruniyūs al-Maqārī (Petronius) , (Fr.)

assigned by Pope Tawāḍrūs II‎ to be the secretary for the St. Makāriyyūs The Great Monastery in Wādī Naṭrūn‎, Egypt, following the killing of the abbot Epiphanius‎ (2018)

Pius XII (Pope)

Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church and Sovereign of Vatican City (1939-1958)

Pope Kyrillos
Pope Shenounda III
Pope Benedict
Pope Cyril I [Kīrillus]

Coptic Orthodox Pope and Saint, c. 376 – 444 AD. Coptic Orthodox Christians revere him as “a pillar of faith.”

Pope Kyrillos VI
Popko van Meekeren (Photographer)
Priest in Ishnīn al-Naṣārā and later Maghāgha
Prof. Dr Adam
Qadrī al-Ḥifnī (Dr.)

Professor of psychology at cAyn Shams University

Qafṭān Majālī

Former Governor of Amman

Qarshī Salāma (Shaykh)
Qasem Soleimani

Iranian Major General in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and, from 1998 until his death in 2020.

Qāsim Amīn (Philosopher, Activist)

Leader of the women’s liberation movement; Author

Qāsim Ḥijjī [Assem Heggy]
Qāsim ʿAbd al-Majīd [Assem ʿAbd al-Maguid]

Founder of the Islamist group Jāmiʿa al-Islāmīya, fled to Qatar after the ouster of president Muḥammad Mursī

Qāsim ʿAbduh Qāsim (Dr.)

Egyptian Historian; History professor at Zaqāzīq University

Qays Saʿīd [Kais Saied] (Tunisian President)
Qillīnī Bāshā [Qillini Pasha]

Qillini Pasha was a christian Pasha in the 20th century during the Ottoman Empire 

Queen Muawia
Quinta Smit
Quṣay Ṣaddām Ḥussayn

Quṣay Ṣaddām Ḥussayn (17 May 1966 – 22 July 2003) was the second son of Iraqi President Ṣaddām Ḥussayn.

Quṭb al-ʿArabī

Author, journalist at al-Shacb newspaper

Quzmān (Father)

A priest at the Church of Mar Girgis in the village of Jazeerat Sharona, part of the Diocese of Maghāghah (Egypt)

Rābiʿa al-ʿAdawiyya (Saint)

First female Sufi Saint (8th Century)

Rachel Scott

Professor at Virginia Tech, USA

Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjadiningrat [Ki Hajar Dewantara] (Indonesian Politician)

leader Indische Partij (Indian/Indonesian Party) prior to the Indonesian independence

Raḍī ʿAṭā Allāh Iskandar (Senior Pastor)
Radinck van Vollenhoven (Mr.)
Raḍwā al-Shirbīnī (TV Presenter)
Raḍwā al-ʿAwdā
Raḍwān al-Maṣmūdī (Dr.)

Executive director of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy in Washington

Raḍwān al-Sayyid (Dr.)

Lebanees Thinker; Editor of al-Ijtihād magazine; Author

Rafat Yūsuf (Judge)
Rāfāʾīl Mūsā (Rev. Fr.)

Fr. Rāfāʾīl was martyred by ISIS on 30th of June, 2016.

Rafīq Habīb
Rafīq al-Ḥarīrī

Former Lebanese leader and Prime Minister of Lebanon

Rafīq Iskandar

Chairman of the American Coptic Union; general secretary of the National Association of American Copts

Rafīq Jarīsh [Rafeeq Greish] (Father)

Director of the press office of the Catholic church in Egypt

Rafīq Ṣamūʾīl Ḥabīb (Dr.)

Coptic Intellectual; Former Advisor of the Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Muḥammad Mahdī cĀkif; Author

Rafique Costandi
Rafique Iskander (Iscander)

Coptic political activist in New York, USA 

Rāfit ʿUthmān
Rafʿat Adawārd [Rafa'at Edward] (Journalist)

Journalist in Al watani international

Rafʿat al-Mayāḥī

Egyptian Film Director; Novelist

Rafʿat Basṭā


Rafʿat Fatḥī
Rafʿat Saʿīd
Rafʿat ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd (Dr.)
Raghda Abū Rajab


Rāghib Ḥannā

Former member in Al wafd party
