Protection Religious Minorities in Muslim lands

Sent On: 
Thu, 2016-01-28
Newsletter Number: 

Muslim Statement for the Protection for the Rights of Religious Minorities in Muslim Lands: The Marrakesh Declaration


Western media and organizations often highlight Christian persecution in Muslim Countries. The interview of students Arnold Dekker and Judith Bravenboer show the questions this results in. Read more hereThe World Watch List 2016 of Open Doors, released on January 13, 2016, is an example of highlighting persecution. Insufficient weight is given to efforts Muslims carry out to counter this such as in the Bayt al-Eila in Egypt.


Arab-West Report was pleased to receive a press release of Dr. Brian Grim, president of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation (US) and friend of Arab-West Report about the Marrakesh Declaration issued by Muslim leaders on January 27. The Marrakesh Declaration is truly important since it shows a dedication of Muslim leaders to combat hostility to religious minorities in their countries.


Shaykh Abdullah bin Bayyah, the President of the Forum for Promoting Peace and Co-Moderator of Religions for Peace (RfP)


Please read more here. We hope this to be an encouragement for Christian leaders to fight Islamophobia in their countries.


January 28, 2016


Cornelis Hulsman,

Editor-in-chief Arab-West Report