Displaying 491 - 500 of 656.
The author gives examples from many countries showing that violence is still practiced against women despite the many rights they have been granted.
The author covers the meetings organized by the Goethe Institute to discuss the image of Islam in the eyes of the West, especially after September 11.
The author covers the meetings organized by the Goethe Institute with a number of Arab journalists and specialists in Islamic studies and Arab culture under the title “A Dialogue with the Islamic World.” The meetings discussed the image of Islam in the eyes of the West, especially after September...
The review deals with the issue of Coptic divorce and Egyptian Orthodox Pope Shenouda’s position rejecting a recent court ruling allowing divorced Copts to remarry.
The magazine approaches many Muslim scholars for comments on the reality of the awaited Mahdi and when he will appear, if he is a real figure.
Everyone in Israel is used to achieve the Israeli Zionist goals. Research centers are used to influence policy makers and to tarnish the image of Islam. Orientalists play an important role due to their close ties with authorities that solicit their help in preparing reports about Arab-Israeli...
A Palestinian writer says that the slogan of education in Israel is ‘today´s student is tomorrow´s soldier.´ An Israeli researcher admits that the relation between education and the army is against democracy.
Dr. Muhammad Abu Ghadeer, professor of Hebrew literature, has compiled a study on Israeli educational curricula. He gives examples on how Israeli schoolbooks are used to deepen the culture of conflict between Israel and the Arabs and to bring up children on hating whatever is Arab.
Israeli children´s books describe Arabs as rebellious murderers, predatory animals, worthless and despicable and describe Jews as courageous, strong and superior. They concentrate on the inevitability of war to secure the Israeli existence.
According to the current Personal Status law, divorce is allowed if either spouse changes his / her denomination. Many couples who choose to separate use this exception to the ban on divorce as a way out of marriage.


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