Displaying 151 - 160 of 223.
Cypriots are obsessed by centuries-old animosities and who remain loyal to religious and ethnic lines drawn as far back as the Middle Ages, just like the peoples of the Balkans. The apparent obsession with religion as the ultimate decider of who is friend, and who foe. It places Cyprus on a par...
In an exclusive interview, Pope Shenouda III speaks frankly to Al-Ahram Weekly about the national role of the Church, the new draft Personal Status law, and other controversial issues.
After nearly two years of dithering, reported internal splits and a worldwide crackdown led by the United States, Egypt’s largest militant organization, Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiyya, issued a statement on 25 March announcing its decision to renounce anti-government violence.
Fat-h, the backbone of the Palestinian Authority (PA), suffered a significant setback in recent student elections in universities in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, in what some observers say reflects plummeting support among ordinary Palestinians for the policies of the PA led by President Yasser...
Friday, British authorities released three Islamist militants arrested four days earlier, including the leader of Ansar Al-Sharia (Advocates of Islamic Law) and Yasser Serri who was sentenced to death in absentia by an Egyptian military court in 1994 for plotting an attack against the then Prime...
A few months ago, in cafés, sporting clubs and other public meeting places around Cairo, friends were approaching each other to sell Pnetagono certificates. The opposition daily Al-Wafd’s blamed Pnetagono for the dollar shortage in the market. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (the equivalent of...
Bars and shops selling alcohol, video tape rental shops and huge street billboards advertising steamy pictures of Egypt’s top actresses are among the targets of the country’s largest militant organization, Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiyya.
Islamism is rapidly changing and loosing ground in Egyptian society. The writer is an expert at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies and the managing editor of the annual State of Religion in Egypt Report.
News of security clampdowns on members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood is never a surprise. Although it has been banned since 1954, the group not only continues to function but wins over new members - all in violation of the law. Analysts tend to read into the timing and scale of some of the...
Since he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by the Israeli intelligence service, the Mossad, in September 1997, the Amman-based chief of Hamas’ political bureau, Khalid Misha’al, has been living under tight security. Misha’al knows all too well that he is still likely to be targeted by the...


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