Displaying 171 - 180 of 223.
Fundamentalists, in particular the Islamist variety, relate to religious concepts, including the concept of Jihad, in an instrumentalist approach which is nearly always absolutist, that is, it entails an absolute assertion of one, generally de-contextualized, aspect of religion and a total...
President Mubarak visited Fatimid Cairo and urged to speed up restoration work. The area contains both Muslim and Coptic monuments.
A detailed description of the route of the Holy Family from place to place.
Blessed be Egypt my people (Isaiah 19:25) Take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt (Matthew 2:13) Out of Egypt have I called my son (Matthew 2:15). Who would have thought that these Bible verses would one day appear in the publicity material of a number of major travel agents,...
Islamist lawyer Montasser el-Zayat, the de-facto spokesman of the Al-Gama’at al-Islamiya, showed dozens of letter of members of Amnesty International calling for a dialogue between the government and the leaders of the Gama’at al-Islamiya in order to avoid more bloodshed among civilians.
During raids 71 suspected militants were arrested.
Interview with Prof. John Keane, director of the Center of the Study of Democracy and professor of politics at the University of Westminster, England on the subject of secularism and Islam.
An article about the life and thoughts of Father van Nispen who is also on the board of advisors of the RNSAW. One of van Nispen’s great passions is teaching Islamic philosophy and theology to the would-be priests. Father van Nispen was also one of the founding members of the Religious Brotherhood...
Many donations are given at mosques associated with members of the Prophet Mohammed’s family, like Sayeda Zeinab or Al-Hussein, or those in which a shrine or mausoleum has been erected to the glory of pious and revered figures.
Most exhibitions on Egyptian art abroad concerned ancient Egypt. In some exhibitions, however, also attention was given to religious art. In France and exhibition on "The Fatimid Treasures in Cairo", and focused a period which saw the coexistence of Coptic and Islamic art. In Austria some items of...


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