Displaying 191 - 200 of 223.
Rashed Ghannoushi, the exiled leader of the Tunisian outlawed "Al-Da’wa" Islamic Party, believes that since the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, Islamist groups have experienced several ups and downs. He adds that Iran, "where a real democracy is taking shape with [President] Ayatollah Mohamad...
Police Brig. Gen. Hamdi El-Batran, suspended for 30 days for publishing a novel on the security situation in Upper Egypt without the prior approval of the Interior Ministry, has vowed to appeal the sentence.
Authorities have banned the production of a film on the assassination of President Anwar El-Sadat by Islamist militants in 1981.
The question has been raised whether the American military strike against what were described as Osama Bin Laden’s bases in Afghanistan on August 17 will force the Taliban movement to clamp down on the Saudi dissident and his Arab-Afghan associates.
Egypt, having suffered from the scourge of terrorism since 1992, has repeatedly calls for a concerted international effort to fight the worldwide phenomenon.
The Weekly discusses the proposed amendment to the constitution. It is likely to push Pakistan, writes Ahmad, toward totalitarianism and darkness.
The discussion on the opinion poll conducted by the Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies continued. Ezz eddin described as "dynamite" questions relating to religion and the relationship between Muslims and Copts.
Security officials in Cairo believe the British bill [legislation] may help break up terrorist networks targeting Egypt and other Arab countries. "It is a real positive step towards fighting terrorism worldwide," an interior ministry official said. "For years Britain has turned a blind eye to the...
The British House of Commons and House of Lords passed new legislation aimed at crushing violent Northern Ireland groups but will also hit terrorists from Egypt in England.
The author, director of the Institute of Strategic Studies at Al Ahram criticizes Arab states for their double standards.


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