Displaying 31 - 40 of 223.
According to the article, one year ago Samīr Marqus predicted the consequences of religious tensions in Egypt, which resulted in the Naj‘ Hammādī incident. Political leadership then decided to reinforce the principles of the civil state and equal citizenship, in in order to encourage coexistence....
In this editorial in Al-Ahram Weekly, Jamāl Nkramah claims that incidents such as the ‘Umranniyah riots are “few and far between,” arguing that Egypt is “a much safer society than most.”   The problem, rather, is a “culture of hatred” that takes advantage of underprivileged and discouraged youth,...
The article says that extremists and terrorists are hiding behind their claims of fighting injustice and protecting the weak. The author blames the CIA for the formation of al-Qā‘idah in attempts to drive the Soviet Union out of Afghanistan. He says that members of al-Qā‘idah are like hired...
The latest terrorist attacks in Algeria and Morocco were a considerable warning of the increasing power of the Islamic groups in general and that of al-Qā‘idah in particular. The attacks sparked world wide protests and many people attributed them to the U.S. strategy in the Middle East.
The weekly mentions AWR´s work in organizing Holy Family pilgrimages. the purpose of the Holy Family pilgrimages is to create an understanding between different cultures. AWR wants to encourage the visits of expatriates to any of the Holy Family locations because this will greatly enhance their...
The new press campaign against Saadeddin Ibrahim has been as flimsy on evidence as previous allegations against the prominent democracy activist ..questioning his integrity. News coverage of a potential US decision to allocate $2 million to Ibrahim´s Ibn Khaldoun Centre for Development Studies (...
The Al-Ahram Weekly provided an article giving the background of the Arab Though Institute Tareq Heggi had been asked to join.
Dozens of journalists staged a sit-in at the headquarters of the Press Syndicate on Sunday afternoon to protest the continuing imprisonment of Magdi Hussein, chief editor of Al-Shaab, mouthpiece of the Islamist-oriented Labor party, and journalist Salah Bedewi. The two are serving two-year jail...
Eight suspected members of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood were arrested on Saturday in the Upper Egyptian governorate of Minya.
Over a thousand years ago, the site on which the mosque is built, currently the scene of major renovation efforts, witnessed Sayeda Zeinab’s advent to Egypt. She was described as the "heroine of Karbala’," rallying troops at the battle, providing them with water and food, treating the injured and...


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