Displaying 251 - 260 of 1199.
Muhammad Mūrū writes about how the Coptic Church in Egypt has become inseparable from the Islamic civilization.
Yūnān Marqus writes that the feast of the ascension of the Virgin Mary is widely celebrated, going on to narrate traditions and beliefs about Mary according to Coptic Christians and Muslims.
This article is about the possible candidates for the office of Coptic Orthodox pope – some sources say it will be a bombshell – and the worry and tension dominating Coptic circles since the issue was first raised.
"Religion with Allāh is the surrender" is the title of the conference that was held in Libya. People from all over the Islamic world as well as hundreds of Christian figures participated in this conference which mainly aims at correcting different misconceptions about the core of Islam which are...
Al-Ahrār interviews two members of the Muslim Brotherhood who wrote the letter about the financial compensation received by some of the group’s members for leaving their jobs.
Although Pope Shenouda asked for American support for the religious schools there and cancelling all the restrictions imposed on their work, his request was rejected for security reasons. Consequently, the pope called for an urgent correction for the misunderstanding of the role that such schools...
Al-Ahrār reports about the Muslim Brotherhood’s funding and the sources thereof.
The author prepared a report about sectarian strife in Egypt between Muslims and Copts and about the developments in freedom of religion during April, May and June 2008. The report is published by the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights [www.eipr.org/en/]. It does not list solutions, only...
An extremist Jew attacked the church of the Holy Sepulcher in the heart of the old city of Jerusalem
‘Amir Mahmūd reports about the issue of Wafā’ Qustantīn and the rumor that she was killed in the church.


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