Displaying 481 - 490 of 1199.
Scotland Yard raided the mosque where Egyptian fundamentalist Abū Hamza al-Masri preaches, after receiving information from the French intelligence service about it. British officials stressed that such measures are not against Islām. al-Masri led the Friday prayers in the street for two...
Issues related to anti-Semitism are discussed in four of the papers of this week. Most articles question the connection established between criticizing Israel and anti- Semitism. See also art. 2 and 3
The Criminal Court of Sohag ruled in the case of al-Kosheh riots. Only two defendants out of 96 are convicted but not for killing. The Egyptian Church declared rejection of the ruling and al-Kalema Center for Human Rights issued a statement expressing disappointment at the ruling and asking for...
Criticism of a documentary film on the Holy Virgin aired by the B.B.C. The film claims that Mary was not a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus Christ and that Jesus was the outcome of a relationship she had with a Roman leader.
Questioning the religious dimension of the war on Iraq is the focus of many articles covering the war. Different publications shed light on Bush’s religious background in an effort to establish a link between his religious tendencies and the war. Others wonder whether the war is a new crusade...
Arab media primarily placed the war in Iraq in the framework of the religious dimension. Religion is present in the background of almost all articles. Reactions of religious institutions and figures and the impact of religion on the characters of both Bush and Saddam Hussein are the focus of...
The three papers published eight articles concerning human rights activists and centers. Al-Wafd dedicates four articles to discussing the idea of establishing a new national council for human rights. Two articles in Al-Arabi and Al-Ahrar are concerned with the same idea. Moreover, Al-Ahrar...
The Azhar urges all Muslims to jihad if a US war is launched against Iraq. The Coptic Orthodox Church sent a message to Kofi Anan asking the UN to prevent a war against Iraq. The Presbyterian Church in Ezbekia district witnessed a peaceful anti-war demonstration and a group of Egyptian Copts signed...
The Egyptian government has recently released a thousand members of Al-Gama'a Al-Islamiya on the occasion of the anniversary of the October 6 war. Significantly, Karam Zuhdi, leader of the group, Fou'ad Muhammad Al-Dawalibi, and Essam Abdel-Magd, members of the Shura Council of the group, have also...
The four papers comment on the issue of the freedom of press in Egypt in light of the detention of Mustafa Bakri, Editor-in Chief of Al-Usboa, and his deputy Mahmoud Bakri.


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