Displaying 631 - 640 of 1199.
The review takes up the issue of the niqāb as Jack Straw, Leader of the House of Commons, called on Muslim women in Britain to take off their veils in workplaces, while in Egypt, the President of Hilwān University made a decision to prohibit all niqāb-wearing students from entering the...
Nāhid al-Nabrāwī spots the reasons behind the backwardness of Islamic preaching in the West, and the criteria for presentable Islamic preachers in Western countries.
An American publishing house promotes a new book on the internet that attacks Islam and the Prophet Muhammad.
Views of Muslim scholars differ over whether to accept the so-called "apology" of Pope Benedict for the remarks he made about Islam a few weeks ago. Nearly 38 Muslim scholars and leaders sent a letter to the pope to indicate their appreciation of the pope’s expression of regret and his affirmation...
Shaykh Mansūr al- Rifā‘ī, former under secretary at the Ministry of Endowments, says that God describes Muslims as the best people that have been brought forth for mankind as long as they "enjoin right conduct, forbid indecency and believe in God." While exonerating Islam from the charges of...
For the third week, Pope Benedict’s controversial remarks on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad have made headlines in Egyptian national and independent newspapers. A number of Muslim intellectuals devoted their columns to refute claims about the spread of Islam by the sword. Some Muslim scholars...
On Friday, Danish television aired an amateur video showing young members of the anti-immigrant Danish People’s Party taking part in a competition to draw cartoons ridiculing the prophet, one year after the publication of the "offensive" cartoons by the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten. In an...
A supplement published by the mouthpiece of the Ghad Party, al-Ghad newspaper, entitled "The worst 10 figure in Islamic history," has provoked strong public reaction and led Islamic lawyer, Mamdūh Ismā‘īl, to sue the newspaper. The list of names included some of the prophet’s companions and ‘...
Egyptian television prevents presenting any series that includes actresses who wear the hijāb.
This article compares Arab and Western perspectives on the mind and faith and explains the Islamic concept of equality between men and women.


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