Displaying 701 - 710 of 1199.
Directing wrongful accusations at Islam and linking it to terrorism has become an unsupportable and dangerous matter. Dr. Youssef Al-Qaradawi said that terrorism is the child of injustice, and injustice is the act of America, and as long as injustice exists, no one can prevent terrorism. Dr. Abdel...
The former Egyptian ambassador in Israel accused the Mossad of being behind the recent attacks in America. He said that America overlooked the absence of 4,000 Jews from their work in the World Trade Center on the day of the attack, adding that Israel was the only country that had not declared...
Many fatwas were issued by Muslim scholars from different Islamic countries concerning the expected American attacks against Afghanistan. They were all to the effect that any cooperation between an Islamic country and the USA to attack Afghanistan or any other Arabic or Islamic country, with the...
The Arabic attitude towards the expected American attacks against Afghanistan revolves around the official Egyptian stance that refuses to join the American crusade. Egypt’s clinging to this stance will help greatly in making the Arabic countries adopt the same attitude. At the same time, all the...
The defense of the editor in chief of Al-Nabaa said that the sentence his client was given did not include the words "with labor"-which means that he can serve the sentence either in the prison or outside it.
The author is of the opinion that the events of September 11 made America lose its dignity-which is the reason for its hastiness in carrying out any military attack against any body, hoping that such an attack may wipe out the memory of the attacks on September 11. He stressed that because America...
Al-Qammāsh asks for President Mubārak’s mediatation to reissue al-Sha‘b newspaper, considering the six year ban on the newspaper sufficient punishment .
Dr. Muhammad Mourou believes that there is a kind of relationship between contemporary Islamic movements and the Khawārij. [Reviewer: The Khariji are members of a deviant Islamic group that broke away from the Orthodox caliph, ‘Alī Ibn Abī Tālib, and murdered him]. Admitting that both groups have...
The author mentions the Ministry of Awqāf’s response to the news about the establishment of a Shi’ite mosque in Egypt and presents news that Azhar shaykhs are not about to give up their traditional Islamic garments.
The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) chief has said that it is no longer possible to have dialogue between the Muslim world and Europe after the Danish cartoons crisis unless certain measures are adopted.


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