Displaying 861 - 870 of 1199.
These articles address how sectarian strife in Egypt occurs in several areas under various forms. Although calm appears to be quickly restored, everyone seems to await a new crisis. The writers suggest that old ways of dealing with the crisis are futile, and that there should be more frankness and...
The author argues that there are three types of religious people. The first type of person focuses heavily on rituals, sometimes being judgmental. The second focuses mainly on worldly issues and secularism. The third group sticks to moderation and follows a balanced pattern in life when it comes to...
Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said he personally condemned the cartoons published in Jyllands-Posten. In an interview with the Danish TV2 station, Rasmussen said that he respected religious beliefs and that would prevent him from depicting Muhammad, Jesus or any other religious symbol...
Reviewer: ‘Amr al-Misrī The newspapers report that some extremist Israelis have been celebrating the mawlid of Abu Hasīra in Egypt with strange rituals which have caused much anger among Egyptian locals.
The author states that Christian Zionism is linked to U.S. neo-conservatives and that is being promoted by tele-evangelists, such as Pat Robertson.
Reviewer: ‘Amr al-Misrī One person has been killed and around 17 injured in Muslim-Christian clashes in the village of al-‘Udaysāt, Luxor, after Muslims allegedly attacked a church, which had been built without a license. A local priest accused the security forces of being slow to intervene.
In an interview, Major General Fou’ād ‘Allām, who spent over 25 years in the State Security Investigations Authority, states that the Muslim Brotherhood are liars, that some members of the NDP are working against the state’s interests and that unless the opposition parties improve their political...
Ramadān al-Bīh argues that the declaration of Islamic opinions and fatwas should be left in the hands of Muslim scholars who have wide knowledge of the Islamic sharī‘a.
Egyptian authorities have detained hundreds of Sudanese refugees in several camps in preparation to deport those who have no UNHCR registry documents. About three million Sudanese are living in Egypt; most of them are crushed by abject poverty, including 50 million refugees and asylum seekers, with...
After negotiations failed to end a three month long sit in being staged by Sudanese refugees in a public square in central Cairo, security forces took measures to end the protest, resulting in a stampede, which killed 25 Sudanese. 76 Egyptian policemen were also injured after demonstrators hurled...


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