Displaying 961 - 970 of 1199.
Al-Naba’ [newspaper] claimed that it had interviewed sheikh Muhammad Gebril. This sheikh stated that he is the television preacher who was unnamed in the press, allegedly seducing women and that he does not know the woman he allegedly seduced. Sheikh Muhammad Gebril published an article in Al-Ahram...
The Islamic Research Institute recommended the confiscation of a book entitled Muhammad…Founder of Islam and Muslim Empire by George Bush, the grandfather of the current U.S. president.
The Egyptian academic curriculum is in dire need of development and revision; however, a problem arises when its development involves U.S. interference.
Bishop Mounir Hanna Anis, president of the Anglican Church in Egypt and North Africa, criticized the Jewish campaign against the film “The Passion of Christ.” He said that such a campaign is based on weak and made-up excuses, He hoped that Egyptian movie theaters would show the film.
Dr. ‘Abd al-Fattāh Idrīs, Professor of Comparative Jurisprudence at Cairo University, described Islamic sharī‘a [law] as one concerned with securing the world and its inhabitants. He bases his argument on the presence of specific rulings on how to punish those who harm humans, animals or the...
In an attempt to correct the image of Islam in the history textbooks of European schools, the Arab League hosted a conference with the cooperation of International and European organizations on Muslims’ image in Europe.
The British government revealed a new law proposal condemning discrimination on the basis of religion. Muslims, who are considered the religious denomination suffering the most from discrimination in Britain, especially after September 11, would benefit tremendously.
On December 9, 2004, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) demanded that the Ministry of Justice investigate the burning of two mosques, one in Arizona and the other in Massachusetts. CAIR is the largest organization for Muslim American civil rights in the U.S. The Ministry of Justice...
The British Guardian revealed the US Secretary of State’s refusal to accept State Department report that show increases in terrorism incidents around the world in 2004. She ordered the pessimistic statistics to be modified and omitted to spare the US any embarrassment.
‘The other in the Jewish mind’ is the title of the conference held today at the Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, under the auspices of the University’s President and with the participation of a number of academics from Egypt and the whole world.


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