Displaying 1061 - 1070 of 1792.
The Egyptian press has widely covered the four-day visit that Pope Benedict XVI paid to Turkey from November 28 to December 1, 2006 in an obvious attempt to heal the wounds opened by his earlier "offensive" remarks on Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. According to political analysts, the pontiff’s...
The writer, Minister of Endowments, clarifies the real meaning of terrorism and Islam’s innocence from it, using parts of the Qur’ān to prove his words.
Following the mixed public reaction to the recent statements made by the Egyptian minister of culture, Fārūq Husnī, on the Ḥijāb, the People’s Assembly’s committees for Religious Affairs and Culture and Media held an emergency meeting on Sunday to discuss the issue. In an attempt to...
The author believes that the resignation of the Minister of Culture Fārūq Husnī would be a blow to Islām and its principles, especially after the Council of Ministers issued a statement declaring that Husnī’s opinions about the veil are his alone and do not reflect the Council’s opinion.
The Egyptian press paid special attention to the situation Muslims in America and Europe are now facing as a result of the attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, which were claimed to be executed by Arab Muslim extremists. Although Muslims in America condemned the attacks, they...
A new episode in the case of the jailed professor, Saad Eddin Ibrahim, has been revealed in the local media of this week. An employee in a department of his center accused him of corruption, while his family threatened to halt their collaboration with the State Security department. At the same...
The author records some misunderstandings of a hādīth that calls for reproduction, and sees that the real development in the religious address requires a process of qualifying mosque preachers.
‘Adil al-Saftī comments on a new brochure printed by the Azhar to face the AIDS virus from an Islamic perspective.
The review deals with Minister of Culture Fārūq Husnī’s latest remarks in which he termed the Ḥijāb to be "a relapse backward," drawing public controversy and anger in parliament where the ruling party, the opposition and independents agreed on the need to have the minister tender his...
This review, in the context of ramifications from the culture minister’s controversial statements on the Ḥijāb, discusses various opinions on whether the Ḥijāb is a religious obligation and how such controversial discussions should be tackled by society, religious and political bodies...


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