Displaying 521 - 530 of 1792.
Under the title Documented, Accurate Figure – Census of Copts is 18.565.484 million, Mājid 'Attīyah writes in a column in Watanī newspaper of January 15 that Dr. Tharwat Basīlī has said he has a documented, accurate figure of the Coptic population in Egypt and that he challenges anyone who would...
An ultra-rightist member of the Dutch parliament plans to present parliamentary questioning of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands as soon as she returns from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where she put on a headscarf before entering a mosque there. ['Abd Allāh Mustafá from Brussels, al-Misrī al-...
Lawyers of the martyrs’ families called for applying “the severest penalty” – execution – against ousted President Husnī Mubārak, his sons Jamāl and ‘Alā’, former interior minister Habīb al-‘Ādlī and six of his top aides on charges of involvement in killing demonstrators during the January 25, 2011...
A once reluctant United States is reaching out to the Muslim Brotherhood in a nod to Egypt's new political reality, but concerns linger about the group's attitude toward minorities, women and the peace treaty with Israel, according to a report by the Agence France Presse (AFP). [Author Not...
Grand Shaykh of the Azhar Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyīb said Western claims that Christians of the East are suffering persecution are “flagrant lies that clash with reality,” adding these allegations were only meant to feign panic from democracy that is now sweeping the Arab world. [Muhammad ‘Abd al-Khāliq,...
The Azhar vehemently rejected the setting up of a so-called Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice (CPVPV), asserting that the top Sunni Muslim establishment is the only Muslim reference concerned with religious affairs in Egypt. [Author Not Mentioned, al-Ahrām, Jan. 5, p. 14...
Asyut Governor Maj. General al-Sayyīd al-Bura’ī expressed content over the conduct of students of the Manqabād secondary school, to which the Coptic student involved the anti-Islam images troubles during the past few days belongs. [Muhammad Munīr, Al-Akhbār, Jan. 3, p. 4] Read original text in...
The ‘urfī (conciliatory) council of the elders of Muslims and Copts in Asyut governorate managed to restore calm to al-‘Adar on the third day of sectarian incidents in the village and some other neighboring villages, sparked after a Coptic high school student has reportedly published cartoons...
Copts are making about 5% of an Egyptian population of 81 million, which is growing by 4500 souls daily, said Abū Bakr al-Jindī, the president of the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). [Majdī Salāmah, Al-Wafd, Dec. 29, p. 12] Read original text in Arabic
Activist 'Alā' 'Abd al-Fattāh said that assaults on women will have a strong reaction on January 25, 2012, adding "we will take revenge for women." ['Alā' al-Dīn Sālim and Safā' Shākir, Al-Ahrām, Dec. 28, p. 5] Read the original text in Arabic


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