Displaying 771 - 780 of 1792.
One of the most serious problems that could hinder the foundation of a civil state based on democracy and citizenship is the mingling of politics and religion. In this article, the author warns against the spreading phenomenon of Egyptian citizens, in particular the Copts, resorting to their...
In spite of the tragic violence at Naj‘ Hammādī, the Egyptian press adhered to its annual tradition of publishing a considerable number of articles about Christmas and many Christmas greetings and Christmas-related arguments. President Mubārak greeted Pope Shenouda and the Coptic public in Egypt...
A person attacked a Jewish synagogue in downtown Cairo. The attack resulted in no damage and the culprit was arrested and proved to be suffering of drug addiction. It was also said that he was formerly a member of an “extremist group” in the 1980s.
The death of the 82 year-old Grand Imām of the Azhar made the front page of most of the Egyptian press today. Prominent political and Islamic figures mourned Shaykh Muhammad Sayyid Tantāwī and the government’s reaction is questioned.
Sectarian tensions were raised in Beni Sweif when a young Coptic man wanted to convert to Islam to marry a Muslim young woman he loves. Copts gathered in front of the police station, where they believed that the security apparatus was hiding the young man to protect him.  
Dr. Mufīd Shihāb, Egyptian State Minister for Legal Affairs and Legislative Councils declared that the discussion of human rights conditions in Egypt at the International Council did not accuse Egypt.
In his speech made on January 24, 2010 to mark the occasion of Police Day, President Mubārak condemned the criminal attack of Naj‘ Hammādī and blamed the religious institutions who should have an enlightening discourse that urges moderation. He also stated that the intellectuals and men of...
Dr. Ahmad Fathī Surūr, president of the People’s Assembly criticizes a report from the European parliament into the events of Najc Hammādī.
The Shūrá Council devoted much of its session yesterday to discuss the case of Naj‘ Hammādī. The head of the council expressed Egypt’s rejection of any foreign interference under any form or name, stressing Egypt’s sovereignty and the legitimacy of the Egyptian judiciary.
Amidst the public uproar created by the attacks of Najc Hammādī, many voices are still heard in the Egyptian press hailing the Egyptian national unity highlighting examples of the historical deep-rooted cordial relationships between Muslims and Christians there. Many people denounced the foreign...


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