Displaying 1 - 10 of 633.
“The Eastern Christians, Two Thousand Years of History” Exhibition, hosted by the Arab World Institute in Paris, has received great attention in the French, Arab and other media networks, especially because French President Emmanuel Macron attended the opening of the exhibition.
Egypt: Secondary School and al-Azhar’s protest failing to secure examinations A student movement announced the launch of the “Secondary School and al-Azhar’s Revolution” to organize demonstrations and sit-ins on the coming 5th of July, protesting against the failure in examinations after the...
Article full text:  The Arab Organization for Human Rights in Britain warns those who oppose the regime of the risk oppression The Arab Organization for Human Rights in Britain condemned the killing of Hishām Barakāt, considering it the result of an equation pursued by the current Egyptian...
In a statement disclosed to Al-Yawm al-Sāb`ī, Hāni `Ezzat al-Masrī, head of the League of Personal Status Victims, said that the League's members, as well as thousands of Egyptian Christians, have collected signatures on a pledge they submitted to President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi to task the newly...
Around 900 people applied Saturday to run in Egypt's upcoming parliamentary elections, bringing the total number of prospective candidates so far to 5936. The door for filing applications to run in the elections closed on Saturday.
The General Prosecution decided to refer two underage women in al-Minia, Christine 'Izat Fathī and Nancy Majdī Fathī 'Izat, who disappeared for 13 days, to a foster home according to their own will. Police found both girls coincidently in Cairo, wearing the niqāb. The police officer found it...
In this article, Rānyā Sādiq criticizes the proposal by Maurice Sādiq, who has called for the establishment of an independent Coptic country in Egypt. The writer suggests that Maurice Sādiq's proposal is related to a Zionist plot, due to its timing with the referendum for the secession of southern...
Fārūq Husnī, Minister of culture, inaugurated a Coptic art exhibition celebrating hundred years on the establishment of coptic museum in year 1910. The exhibition spotlight the first years of christianity in Egypt, and St. Mark's, the Apostle, role.    
Egyptian newspapers dedicated much of their Sunday coverage to ‘Āmir ‘Āshūr, the man accused of killing one Christian and injuring five others on a train in southern Egypt last Tuesday...  
Diana Māhir Ghālī reviews this weekend's opinion articles dealing with the Alexandria church attack...  


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