Displaying 11 - 20 of 633.
Egyptian churches have seen intensified security measures ever since the al-Qā‘idah threats. The Pope turned downs various offers from the Coptic Diaspora to send specialized security teams, and it was later discovered that most large churches have their own special Coptic security teams. Bishop...
Ahmad al-Jammāl blames last Wednesday’s ‘Umrāniyyah church riots on Bishop Bishūy’s controversial statements about the Qūr'ān. He says that Bīshūy, who he claims is second in command in the Coptic Orthodox Church, crossed the first line, thereby allowing the protestors to cross the second line by...
Al-‘Arabī asked a number of experts about the ‘Umrāniyyah Church incident. Some blamed the authorities for failing to contain the situation before its outbreak, others blamed the Copts for disobeying the authorities. However, they all agreed that someone was behind the events and caused them for...
Ra’fat talks about last Wednesday’s church riots and asks what went wrong, given that the Giza Governorate announced its approval of the building to be turned into a church. A leading ecclesial figure answers that security forces arrived at the building sight with bulldozers ready to demolish the...
Dr. Hasan Hanafī talks about the obsession of the American conservatives regarding the issue of President Barack Obama’s religion. He asks why it should matter more than his political agenda. He talks about the contradiction between some of his views, such as his alliance with a Jewish state that...
This article deals with the refusal of Pope Shenouda to accept the court ruling in favor of re-marriage for Copts, and the national backlash which erupted.
Christian activist ‘Adil Jirjis replies to Muhammad Tu‘aymah’s article published on June 13, 2010 under the title, ‘Total mind disinformation’.
The author underlines the new Shiite coalition in Iraq to form the biggest parliamentary bloc to guarantee the premiership’s post indicates that sectarianism beat democracy in the country.
Ahmad ‘Iz paid a visit to Pope Shenouda in the papal residence at the Cathedral. Many observers discussed the politics of the visit, reflecting on the coming Parliamentary elections. Meanwhile, the Coptic Orthodox Church denied that the visit had any political implications.
The Coptic Church rejects the visit of the Egyptian Olympic football team to Jerusalem.


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