Displaying 101 - 110 of 633.
A group of terrorists carried out their threats and slaughtered Egypt’s top envoy to Iraq Ambassador Īhāb al-Sharīf. The Egyptian late Ambassador was born on the first of January 1954, and graduated from the Lycee France’. He has been working for the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1976.
Let’s quickly look at some quotations from the writings of Sayyed Qutb. In his book “Al-Islam wa Mushkelat Al-Hadara” [Islam and the dilemmas of civilization], Qutb wrote “A thousand books about Islam, a thousand sermons in mosques and a thousand films about Islam are not enough. Creating a small...
I believe that those who call for cooperation between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nasserists are wise people. Some people insist on remaining hostages of the past. Things have changed and the views of the Brotherhood today in the early twenty-first century are totally different from their views...
During his latest visit to Egypt, Tom Lantos met with representatives of the Egyptian civil society. During this meeting, three issues were discussed: Lantos’ hostile stances against Egypt, especially his threat to halve the amount of US aid to Egypt, in addition to his stance toward the Arab-...
The mass protests led by the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, in which 70,000 protestors took to the streets in 18 governorates in Egypt, has raised controversies about the real intentions of the Brotherhood.
In response to the Scotland Yard inquiry the Egyptian authorities have arrested Majdī al-Nashar, 33, an Egyptian biochemist suspected of making the bombs that were detonated in the July 7 London blasts that killed 56 people and injured many more.
Muslims in Europe in general and in London more specifically are facing grave difficulties following the London bombings, which might affect their survival there after decades of adaptation.
A series of three consecutive terrorist attacks rocked the Red Sea resort of Sharm al-Sheikh Saturday leaving 64 people killed and some 124 injured. The blasts targeted the Old Market, the Ghazāla Hotel and a parking lot in Nicma Bay.
British Prime Minister Tony Blair said he is seeking to hold an international conference with terror-hit countries to explore the best ways of combating terrorism. He added that al-Qā‘ida and similar organizations have targeted 26 countries since 1993.
TheJihād Group officially declares their initiative to cease of the use of violence. While many of the Islamic groups approved of the initiative, many seem to complicate the issue.


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