Displaying 171 - 180 of 633.
Al-Arabi reviewed the opinions of different intellectuals and prominent figures among them are: " General Fou’ad Allam, Ex-Manager of the State Security Police, who said that it is very difficult to confirm whether someone was behind the demonstrations of the students of the Azhar, " Spokesman...
The Egyptian authorities detained 22 Brotherhood members. At the same time America included the group in its lists of terrorist groups. The inclusion of the Brotherhood came after the American authorities asked Italy to detain the president of al-Taqwa Bank, which was founded by some...
Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi and the Muftī of Egypt asked Bin Laden to hand himself over to save the Afghans from the American war. al-Qaradawi said that Muslim and Christian religious leaders could play an important role in limiting the possibility of a conflict between Muslims and Christians...
The Egyptian authorities detained 22 Brotherhood members and charged them for making an effort to revive the activities of the banned group. The General Guide of the Brotherhood expressed his surprise at such detentions and said that nothing happened on the part of the Brotherhood to harm the...
Al-Arabi published three articles about Bishop Gregorios, the General Bishop of Theological Post Graduate Studies, Coptic Culture and Scientific Research, who passed away a few days ago. The articles covers the relationship between Pope Shenouda and the late bishop, an overview of the most...
The papers of this week are still full of news about the violence practiced against Arabs and Muslims in America, Europe and Australia after the attacks in America. According to many writers, the reasons for this growing anti- Arab and anti-Muslim campaign are to be found in the deformed image...
Representatives of the Islamic community in France filed a lawsuit against a French novelist for writing a novel that defamed Islam. The subject of the novel is Islām and sexual tourism in Thailand. It contained very open attacks against Islam, Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians.
The president of the Labor Party dismissed Magdi Hussein, the editor-in-chief of the now closed al-Sha‘b paper, and other 10 members from the Party. The dismissed members represent the Islamic trend in the Party. The Muslim Brotherhood refused describing Shukri’s decision as a change in the...
Al-Ahram al-Arabi shed light on the life of monks under the title "We Are Angels Living on Earth." al-Aḥrār reported that after its journalist visited al-Muharraq monastery, it concluded that the expelled monk’s crimes could not have taken place there as al-Nabaa claimed. The history of Christian...
Swift intensive efforts were made this week to contain a Muslim-Christian crisis due to a blasphemous article, by a Muslim writer, about a former monk. Thousands of angry youths protested against the article, the Government was accused of being in collusion with the paper, Pope Shenouda...


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