Displaying 421 - 430 of 633.
The article is about a draft law proposed by Anthony Weiner, member of the US House of Representatives, in January 2004. The draft law bans the U.S. from giving military aid to Egypt. The article gives information about the laws approved by the US senate targeting Syria and Saudi Arabia.
The article investigates the problems that flare up occasionally over the land the Coptic Church owns along the Cairo-Suez road [Patmos Land]. Al- Arabi interviewed Pope Shenouda. Many Christian men of religion witnessed the interview, which took place in the Papal residence. The author explains...
Sheikh Youssef El Badry caused a storm by sending a court usher [mahdar] to the head of Radio and Television Union, and actor and talk show host Samir Sabri because of a television talk show, Heza Al-Masa’ [This Evening] that discussed the issue of female genital mutilation [FGM]. Among the...
The Samaritans are a small group that does not exceed 654 persons worldwide. The creed of the Samaritans is that God is one, whose divine nature is absolutely spiritual, Moses is His sealed [last] Prophet and the Torah is the Holy Book. They also believe that Mount Gerizim is the only true...
I conducted this interview with Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim almost two months ago, but it was not complete. The atmosphere was very tense because he considered the questions a sort of an insult to him. Dr. Ibrahim calls for freedom and democracy all the time, so how can he get angry at a question,...
A crisis has broken out between the Nasserites and the Muslims Brotherhood in the Journalists’ Syndicate. Two Brotherhood members made an agreement with Internews to organize a training program in Hurgada, which would also be funded by Internews. The members carried out the agreement without...
Mountaser Al-Zayyat, the lawyer of the fundamentalist groups in Egypt, stated thatKhaled Al-Islamboly, the assassin of Sadat, was not a member of Al-Jihad organization or of the Gama’a Islamiya; he was closely linked to Muhammad Abdel Salam Farag, leader of Al-Jihad in 1981.
The book of “Al-Ekhwan Al-Muslimun ela Ayn?” [The Muslim Brotherhood…to Where?] by Dr. Saad Eddin Saleh, dean of the faculty of Usul el-Din [fundamentals of religion] in Zaqaziq is obviously objective in defining the points of weaknesses in the performance of the Brotherhood. In this book Dr, Saad...
In total secrecy, the Ministry of Interior released 100 prisoners and detainees from the Gama’a Islamiya, who have completed their prison sentences and detention periods. The Ministry made the released members sign a written promise that they will rejoin the trend within the group that believes in...
The U.S. Department of State human rights report on Egypt slammed human rights abuses and security officials’ transgressions against journalists and anti-Mubārak protestors.


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