Displaying 591 - 600 of 633.
Pope Shenouda is planning to visit London, America and Canada.
Some of the emigrant Copts who claim that they are Egyptians seem to have forgotten that they have emigrated from this country and they have not been visiting it for many years. They have forgotten that they are now belonging to a country which has different interests from their mother country, and...
Sheikha Nadia is the new phenomenon in the medical world. She claims that she has the ability to cure the people from their diseases and drive the devils out of them. What is amazing about her is that she has got a license to work from Al-Azhar. A lot of people have been contradicting her methods...
Al-Arabi newspaper knew that the security authorities have only released 800 arrested members from Al-Gamaa Al-Islamiyya (the illegal Islamic group). The security authorities should have released 1200 arrested members last May. This decision led to a new internal crisis between the members of Al-...
Like the Islamic group called "Al-Taqfir wa Al-Hijra" who committed a series of assassinations against who opposed them in their ideas or opinions, the author says that there is a group of Copts who are also trying to trying to declare as apostate some Christian thinkers because they oppose them...
The rumor is that Najwa Karam had announced, in a television interview for Orbit satellite television that she has a dog called ’Hamoudi’ which is the Lebanese nickname for ’Mohammed’. It is said that the program while being aired received countless calls of protests, including a call from a Saudi...
The issue of Christian remarriage after divorce following a recent civil court ruling wife remains an issue facing fierce opposition from the various Christian denominations in Egypt. The views of representatives from various denominations are reported in this article.
Responding to Al-Arabi’s article that was published last week titled "An ambiguous crime in Mari Girgis Monastery in Al-Khatatba", a representative of Bishop Bimoua came to the paper bringing documents that supported their reply. He said, Monk Antonios Al-Gowargi voluntarily left the monastery. His...
Basically the same text as in the article above.
Four persons attacked the monk. They tied his hands with ropes and chains, shaved his beard, cut his hair, forced him to take off his robe and beat him. In an official report they also accused him of trying to rape a young man.


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