Displaying 381 - 390 of 2285.
Dr. Ibrāhim Nigm, advisor to the grand mufti, is presenting a religious show on a daily basis in English entitled “al- Rahmah al-Muhdāh”(the granted mercy)  on the Egyptian Satellite Channel (ESC).
Pope Tawadros left Cairo yesterday for some European cities including Oslo, Helsinki, and Vienna. 
The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights has issued a report of sectarian violence against Copts after Mursī’s deposal. The report has presented a number of cases of political violence in the few weeks that preceded and followed the deposal of Mursī.
Dr. Mahmūd ‘Azab, the advisor of the Azhar Shaykh denied rumors the Azhar requested the application of the “hirāba law” (Islamic law demanding the amputation of the limbs) on those who are convicted in terrorist attacks (Ayā Fathī, al- Dustūr, Jan. 31, p. 6 ). Read original text in Arabic.  
Pope Tawadros stated in his weekly sermon that Egyptians are moderate and they gained this characteristic, figuratively, by drinking from the Nile waters (Majdī Fikrī and Girgis Ibrahīm, al- Dustūr, Jan. 31, p. 6). Read original text in Arabic.   
On the other hand, a different report stated that the defendants Muhammad Abd al- Hamīd and Ahmad Muhammad Fuād have made dangerous confessions. They stated that they planned to rob a jewelry shop with three other people in order to finance terrorist attacks against the police and army. However,...
Today, a seminar is to be held at the AUC on Dr. Maī Hawās’s book “The Influence of Islamic Creeds on the Islamic Architecture of Mosques”. The book presents a comparison between the mosques or schools from the Safavid era in Iraq and Iran, and the Bahri / Bahriyya Mamluks [al-Mamālīk al-Baḥariyya...
Terrorists have fired at a police force responsible for securing the Church of Virgin Mary in 6th of October City. The attack led to the death of a policeman. The security forces were capable of arresting two of the perpetrators as well as the car that was used in the attack (Author not mentioned, ...
The three Coptic churches have welcomed the nomination of the head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, Field Marshall Abd al- Fattāh al- Sīsī, for presidency (Majdī Fikrī, al- Dustūr, Jan. 29, p. 6). Read original text in Arabic.   
Minister of Defense Field Marshall Abd al- Fattāh al- Sīsī received a letter from Pope Tawadros congratulating him for being promoted from General to Field Marshall (Majdī Fikrī, al- Dustūr, Jan. 29, p. 6). Read original text in Arabic.


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