Displaying 11 - 20 of 51.
Bishop Bīsantī of Helwan and al-Ma'sarah stressed utmost respect for presidential candidate Dr. Muhammad Mursī in the runoff elections, expressing welcome to an Islamist president who would lead the nation to a civil state taking into account all citizenship rights for all Egyptians. Bishop Bīsantī...
Nādir al-Sīrafī, media spokesman for the Copts 38 movement, described the participation of some Copts in the August 24th demonstrations and their sit-in in front of the presidential palace as circumventing a document of the Azhar. He pointed out that the movement had not adopted a specific position...
Nādir al-Sīrafī, media spokesman for the Copts 38 movement, described the participation of some Copts in the August 24th demonstrations and their sit-in in front of the presidential palace as circumventing a document of the Azhar. He pointed out that the movement had not adopted a specific position...
Coptic intellectual Jamāl As'ad said the withdrawal of the church from the constituent assembly was a "bad, unjustifiable attitude," adding the church did so because it was only emboldened by the Azhar's withdrawal. "There are no disputes on the part of the Copts regarding Article 2 of the...
On the other hand, Dr. Muhammad Badī’, the General Murshid (Guide) of the Muslim Brotherhood group, said Pope Shenouda III was a historic figure who was a symbol of love, peace and national unity. “The death of the pope has saddened everyone in Egypt,” said Badī’ during his visit to the Coptic...
Muslim Brotherhood Murshid (Guide) Dr. Muhammad Badī’ is offering condolences over the departure of Pope Shenouda at the Saint Mark Cathedral’s Coptic Cultural Center. Badī’ is accompanied by a delegation from the group, including his deputy Dr. Mahmūd ‘Izzat, Irshād (Guidance) Office member Dr. ‘...
Bishop Bīsantī of Helwan and al-Ma'sarah said the Coptic Orthodox Church has not so far forged a position regarding the presidential candidates, dismissing media reports that claimed the church was going to back a candidate from the "fulūl" (remnants of the former regime). "The church has not...
The ceremonies of the august funeral of Pope Shenouda, to be aired live on the Egyptian TV and other private stations, start on Tuesday (March 20) at 11:00 a.m. in the presence of senior state officials, government ministers and members of the two chambers of parliament, the People’s Assembly and ...
On the other hand, ‘Abd al-Mun’im Maqsūd, a lawyer for the Muslim Brotherhood group, said that the choice of the People’s Assembly and the Shūrá Council to include 50 members inside parliament and 50 outside parliament in the constituent assembly is in line with the constitutional declaration....
Priest Rafīq Greish, the official spokesman for the Coptic Catholic Church, welcomed communication with the Muslim Brotherhood, affirming that the group, which represents a moderate Islamist approach, respects minorities and seeks dialogue with them. “So far we have not received any contacts from...


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