Displaying 41 - 50 of 51.
Dr. Munīr Hannā Anīs, the head of the Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa, said Christians of Egypt are for keeping Article 2 of the constitution that reads Islam is the official religion of the state and principles of the sharī’ah are the main source of...
Dr. Nājih Ibrāhīm, a key founder of the Jamā’ah Islāmīyah in Egypt and the first chairman of its shūrá (consultative) council, offered an apology to Copts for “what has befallen them as a result of the Jamā’ah’s mistakes during the 1970s and 1980s”. [Robeir al-Fāris, Watanī, March 4, p. 5] Read...
Strict Islam infected restaurants and cafés after demands to allow beard growing were raised inside the army, interior ministry and judiciary. [Rānyā Nabīl, al-Ahālī, Feb. 29, p. 3] Read text in Arabic
Lawyers of the martyrs’ families called for applying “the severest penalty” – execution – against ousted President Husnī Mubārak, his sons Jamāl and ‘Alā’, former interior minister Habīb al-‘Ādlī and six of his top aides on charges of involvement in killing demonstrators during the January 25, 2011...
In an attempt to ease the tension between protesters in al-Tahrīr square and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), 65 activists and public figures suggest opening up nominations for presidential candidates on 25 January, closing the nomination period on the anniversary of former President...
Coptic businessman Najīb Sawirus said the Muslim Brotherhood’s attacks on him and “false allegations” is yet another episode in the MB’s standard practice of turning political rivalry into religious battles. [Author Not Mentioned, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Dec. 24, p. 8] Read the original text in Arabic 
Supporters of the Salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party in al-Beheira governorate handed out fliers in which they urged voters to cast their ballots in favor of the party and that anyone not voting for al-Nūr would be "a sinner in the heart, profligate and dishonest because they letting down the party that...
A number of Coptic movements condemned the "bloody" incidents that took place on al-Qasr al-'Aynī street and mourned the killing of Shaykh 'Imād 'Ifat as young Copts placed a photo of the late cleric instead of photos of killed Coptic activist Mīnā Danyāl and their own on their social networking...
Well informed church sources revealed that thousand of Copts participated in the first phase of the parliamentary elections, noting that they are going to vote for the Egyptian bloc particularly following calls from the General Coptic Organization in Egypt. This article has no link online.  
Coptic thinkers discarded some Coptic Church bishops attempt to take a role in the upcoming parliamentary elections after they distributed a list prepared by an organization, loyal to the church.


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