Displaying 701 - 710 of 808.
The author discusses the issue of renewing the religious discourse as one of the new expressions that surfaced after September 11.
The paper comments on the fatwa of Yemeni Sheikh Al-Zandani concerning the new form of marriage he initiated, that is "marriage friend." The majority of Muslim religious and psychology scholars reject the fatwa.
President George Bush nominates Daniel Pipes to the board of the US Institute of Peace, paying no attention to the objections of American Arab and Islamic organizations.
The author comments on the tolerance of Islam with non-Muslims. He provides examples to show how Muslims treated Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims with tolerance and did not force them to join Islam, as is claimed.
Two Muslim sheikhs comment on the importance of renewing the religious discourse.
This press review dwells on the controversy caused by a project to produce an Egyptian movie about the life of Jesus Christ which has prompted outcries from both the Azhar and the Coptic Church.
The anniversary of the death of Pope Kyrillos VI.
A TV program “Ro’a” [visions] hosts men of religion who interpret dreams for the members of the audience over the phone. It was said that one of the dreams was interpreted as an indication of the imminence of the awaited Mahdi and the Day of Judgment.
The Islamic Research Institute decided to nominated famous Christian surgeon Dr. Magdy Yaqoub for the King Faisal High Award in medical science.
The Minister of Culture decided to recognize the church of the Virgin Mary in Al-Balyana as an architectural monument affiliated with the sector of Islamic and Coptic Antiquities. The church building dates back to 1805.


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