Displaying 261 - 270 of 317.
The Italian Cardinal Roberto Tucci, the honorable chief of the Vatican Radio, has claimed Islam does not show appropriate respect for non-Muslims. Tucci has also severely attacked the martyrdom operations. Islamic scholars and intellectuals condemn that a religious scholar could voice such...
Colin Powell wants his administration to convince the leaders of the Islamic world that the education offered by schools in the Muslim world does not suit our times and undermines peace and security. He claims that such education teaches students the worse terms in religion and the most hateful...
A new [political] party that rejects Islam and Arabism submitted its papers last week to the committee of party affairs [affiliated to the Shura Council]. This party asks for the modification of the Egyptian constitution to remove the Islamic Shari’a as the primary legislative source of the...
The second delegation of the Ministry of Awqāf [Endowments] is to visit Germany to explain Islam and its civilization, and to respond to all the fabrications and misconceptions regarding Islam. The delegation will also respond to accusations made by the Western media against Islam and Muslims.
Al-Liwā’ al-Islāmī hosted the Islamic intellectual Dr. ‘Abd al-Sabour Shāhīn, Professor of Linguistics, Faculty of Dār al-‘Uloum, Cairo University, in its first intellectual forum [or panel].
Berlin’s supreme court upheld a ruling to have the imam of a mosque in the German capital banished on charges of “inciting violence and undermining social peace.” Turkish Muslim leader Yacub Tadshi, 59, has reportedly asked for God’s protection for suicide bombers in Israel and Iraq during a...
The most prominent Islamic organization in France signed yesterday, in the presence of the French Minister of the Interior, an agreement to establish an association for the Islamic activities in France that aims at raising funds to build mosques.
Gijs de Vries, the European Union’s anti-terrorist coordinator, called for dissociating Islam from terrorism, an old phenomenon that had also been witnessed by both Christianity and Judaism in certain stages of their history.
Non-stop explanation of the facts of Islam and its tolerant teachings has to be extended to other nations through a line dissociating the faith from the misconducts of some Muslims, said Muhammad ‘Abd al-Fadīl al- Qousī, the deputy president of the Azhar University, in an interview.
In an interview with al-Liwā’ al-Islāmī, Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies at al-Azhar University, Dr. Sucād Sālih contended that her selection as a member of the World Union of Muslim Scholars is an acknowledgement of women’s rights granted by Islam 14 centuries ago. She stressed that...


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