Date of source: Thursday, October 13, 2005 to Friday, October 14, 2005
In prison, the true character of Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqāwī was shaped. During the course of his trial, he attacked the judges and accused them of being infidels, impressing Usāma Bin Lādin and Ayman al-Zawāhrī, according to the testimony of al-Qā‘ida member, Sayf al-‘Adl, an Egyptian.
Date of source: Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Prominent outlawed Muslim Brotherhood activist ‘Isām al-‘Iryān has denied reports that he was released from detention after a deal with the Egyptian government, stating "we would never back down on demands for freedoms, respect for the constitution and an end to despotism”.
Date of source: Saturday, October 15, 2005
George W. Bush, president of the United States of America, officially a secular state, says he is driven with a mission from God to end the tyranny in Iraq and to fight terrorists in Afghanistan.
Date of source: Friday, October 7, 2005
The tough circumstances facing the Arab nation requires everyone of us to bring together all elements of power through a serious reform at home.
Date of source: Sunday, October 9, 2005
It is now five centuries since Islam left Andalusia and the last king of Granada, Abu ‘Abd Allāh Muhammad Ibn ‘Alī, surrendered power and left the country in return for money.
Date of source: Friday, October 7, 2005
The number of Muslims living in The Netherlands reached 945.000 on January 1 this year, the Statistics Office said.
Date of source: Saturday, October 8, 2005
British Foreign Secretary, Jack Straw spent hours this week negotiating with Germany over the issue of Turkey’s accession to the European Union.
Date of source: Friday, October 7, 2005
There is no indication on the ground that Turkey represents a bridge, since its relations with the Muslim world, namely its neighbors Iran, Iraq and Syria, are still at a low level, and moreover, Turkey plays a marginal role in the current Islamic culture and literature.
Date of source: Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Members of the Jordanian Brotherhood took to the streets in 1990 to express vehement rejection against the use of US forces to liberate Kuwait from the Iraqi invasion. Some even supported Saddam Hussein himself.
Date of source: Saturday, October 1, 2005
An article in response to Muslims who gloated over U.S.’s misfortunes. One of the ancient scholars of Islam, Abu Hāmid al-Ghazālī, said gloating is the most extreme form of envy, for it breeds a venomous hatred of others. Envy is unequivocally prohibited in Islam.