Displaying 841 - 850 of 1820.
The Document of Religious Rights, signed in April 2005 by the former head of the Interfaith Dialogue Committee, Dr. Fawzī al-Zifzāf, with visiting U.S. Christian clerics, has been categorically rejected by the Religious Affairs Committee of the People’s Assembly, on the grounds that it "...
The Dialogue Committee at the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs has announced a draft bill on respect of religions and prevention of contempt for the beliefs of ‘the other’. The draft will be presented at the next session of the UN General Assembly.
Azhar scholars have slammed an Administrative Judicial Court ruling acknowledging the Bahā’ī faith as an official religion in Egypt.
Egyptian Rabi‘ ‘UthmaЃn, known as Muhammad al-MasriЃ, is suspected of involvement in planning the Madrid train bombs in 2004
Two reportedly missing Coptic girls, Mary As‘ad Jirjis and Marcelle Samou’īl Qiddīs of Naj‘ Hammādī have been recently found at the house of Karīma al-Sayyid Muhammad who informed the police of the girls’ presence after reading about their disappearance in the newspapers.
A recent report submitted by the Dutch Intelligence Agency (AIVD) to the Dutch parliament on terror threats and the spread of extremism among the younger generation of Muslim immigrants has revealed that female extremists in the Netherlands have a more prominent role than that of their...
Nearly 30 terror suspects have been labeled “undesirable aliens” by the Dutch government as part of the procedures to deport foreigners who pose a threat to public order and security.
The governmnet seeks to thwart the Muslim Brotherhood’s plan to publish newspapers promoting their political platform.
The author argues that the fact that Islamic groups, not liberal and secular movements, are the the big winners of the US’s efforts to promote democracy in the Middle East confuses the US administration, and American thinktanks as well.
Sudanese Islamic leader Dr. Hasan al- Turābi has recently made known some of his views on a number of controversial Muslim issues, including the hijāb, marriage between a Muslim woman and a kitābī [Reviewer: belonging to the book, a Christian or a Jew], women leading prayers and the testimony of...


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