Displaying 171 - 180 of 1280.
The voter registration committee on the election of the 118th pope for the Coptic Orthodox Church stopped receiving more contests against the voter lists, settling for the 150 challenges it had received. [
Bishop Dimitrius of Mallawī and al-Ashmūnīn, al-Minya Governorate, has called on Bishop Pachomius, Coptic Orthodox Acting Patriarch not to permit the candidacy of Bishops for the position of patriarch and to restrict the candidacies to monks “so that spiritual and church laws not be broken.”
  Twenty-five human rights organizations and political parties called on the Shūrá Council to freeze the recent appointments of chief editors of state-run newspapers
Copts have experienced a state of joy mixed with grief on the first night they spent on al-Ansār street in Dahshūr – joy for returning to their homes but grief for finding them ruined.
Security Forces Security forces in Giza have captured Sābir Amīn Farāhāt, the prime defendant accused of burning the church of Archangel Mikael in Kirdāsah. At the time of his arrest, he possessed 5 hand bombs and explosives. 23 others were arrested in the security campaign. 
Security forces have stated that they were capable of identifying the perpetrator of the assassination attempt against Bishop Makarios. The attack came as an attempt to stop the Christians from practicing their religious rituals after an exchange of gunfire by both sides, according to security...
Tomorrow (May 15), Egyptians in 124 countries shall give their vote in the presidential elections. It shall continue for four days everyday from 9am- 9pm.
Shaykh Saūd Bin Sakr al- Qāsimī, member of the UAE High Council and the ruler of Rās al- Khaymah received Pope Tawadros in his palace yesterday May 13.
Acting patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church Bishop Pachomius said the church rejects calls to set ablaze the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters and offices during million-man protests scheduled to be staged on August 24, called the Brotherhood Toppling.
Muhammad Alī ‘Afīfī, the leader of Ansār Bayt al Maqdis organization, made important statements in the interrogation that was supervised by Councilor Tāmir al- Firgāny, the Public Attorney of the State Security Prosecution.


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